Hey. So, I've got news for ya.
Since I couldn't deal with leaving you alone and all, I came to a decision last night.
You know, the truth is that Im a different person from the one I was when I first created this Blog. No, seriously, I am. I've been through so much since then, and writing here has helped me cope with all the changes I had to suck up.
Which is why I decided to only start writing on my new blog after my birthday, in August. Then I'll get to spend more time with you!!! = P
But seriously now. I really love this Blog, and I'm having a hard time leaving it, because I'm not exactly a fan of changes, as you may already know.
But, deep down in my heart, I know that it's time for a change of scenario, a brand new start. It's time for some things to change in my life. Things that really need to be changed so that they can match the person I am now.
Because even though I'm a different person now, I'm still living the same life (at some areas, of course). And that's something that has been making me a tad unhappy lately, because even though it used to be more than enough in the past, it isn't anymore.
Not to the person I am now. I'm older, I have been through situations I've never imagined myself going through. Things that were tougher than I had ever imagined. The loss of my grandfather, having my very first love (and being rejected by that very first person)... It was all very hard on me, and it all made me see the world with different eyes than I used to back at December 31st, 2006.
So it's really time for things to change. Because I've changed already, but life doesn't seem to be keeping up with me. That's something I really need to work on.
So, since changing life can be quite a difficult thing for anyone to do, especially a Teenage Drama Queen like myself, I think I'll start with small things.
Like creating a new Blog. Because, as hard as it may be, the truth is that in orfer to embrace the future we sometimes have to let go of the past. Not at all situations, of course. But in some, that's what it takes to get what you want.
So, I'm telling you now that when I say goodbye at August, it'll be for good. Will I come and visit once in a while, just to say hey? Yeah, of course. I'll try to do it as often as humanly possible, but I don't think I'll have smart, hard-thinking conversations anymore. Because if I can't let go of a Blog, then I think it'll be quite hard to let go of the things I absolutely have to let go in order to get something changing around here.
Oh, well. This is it for now. But we've got until August to make things right, huh? I'll try and do my best to use the month and a half I've got left to let go of the things I have to let go of and have a different, brand-new, improved life by the time of my B-day.
Will it be hard? Yes. But it'll be even harder to keep things going the way they are now.
You know that episode of Grey's Anatomy where Meredith fell on a river/lake/sea/whatevs and drowned because her life was so complicated and pointless that she saw no reason to swim?
I'm afraid that if I don't do something, that might be me in a few years time. And let me tell you, I really don't wanna be like that. But then again, who does?
I'm gonna go now. I'm so totally rambling. But I guess I'm aloud to, since I'm leaving at August.
Love ya, bye!!
PS: Link of my new Blog, to be officially started by August: