Dec 05, 2007 00:28
Uuh... Sydney has just been kidnapped by Lost's John Lock.. hmm, I like this part. He's about to tell her what happened to her over the two years she disappeared.. the whole "they extracted your eggs because of a certain Rambaldi prophecy" thingie, and all...
Anyways, let's jump to something more productive.
Let's talk about men.
Oh. My. God. Men are SUCH idiots. It's really no wonder that most of the young female population remains single. I mean, technicaly, acording to like, every available source, men are the ones supposed to make the first move or whatever. Anyway, the problem is that, sometimes, the guy likes you, but even though you give them all the possible signs, even though you make it so goddamn obvious that you're completely head over heels for him, he still can't see it. And so, he doesn't make the first move.
Urgh, men. SOOOO stupid.
Anyways, I'm on vacation now. My God, can you believe that it's been almost an entire year since I first wrote in this blog?? I mean it, CAN YOU??? Cause I don't think I can.
I mean, I've created millions and millions of blogs before, but I have never EVER actually worte them for over a couple of weeks. This one?? Good God, almost an entire YEAR!!! Year!!! And writing practically every week!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
And I think I might be coming up with another writing project for the upcomming year. It's nothing garanteed by now, so I'll keep you in the dark in this mean-time.
Wow, Jennifer Garner looks good as blonde.
Humm... I'm hungry.. If it weren't 12:46 p.m., I'd have scrambled eggs...
Oh, well.
Okay, I'm gonna go now.
Check up with you later, oks??
Love ya, bye!!