Jin Con Fan Report

Nov 11, 2010 00:55

Jin Con Fan Report.

First of all, OMG HE'S BEAUTIFUL 8DDDD XDDDD I tried to take pictures but they were really scary and flashed flash lights in your face if they caught you.

Ok, so we got to the warfield at 3:40 pm, my friend Kiyomi and I, because we bought floor seats, which is just standing section because, as it said on the ticketmaster page, jin wanted it to feel like a club. I'm sad Illy didn't get to go :< But anyway, while standing in line, waiting,.....We started talking to the girl in front of us because I noticed that she was alone, and we all hit it off really quickly! Stephanie's a huge Jin fan, and so is Kiyomi, so we all got balanced out since I have an obvious Arashi Bias :D Otherwise Kiyomi and I would have been stuck doing that first jump from Believe all night xD Honestly, the wait was so long. because even though we got our bracelets 4 hours ahead, if we got out of line it wasn't garanteed we would have that same spot, and floor was pretty much first come first served. While in line, these bachan's lined up behind us and they asked Kiyomi for help which is funny because they pretty much shunned me, since I'm not japanese xD but they soon found out that I could speak a little better than kiyomi when ...i spoke to them XD Kiyomi can understand cuz her dad talks in Japanese all the time, but she can respond to him in english so she's not so confident at speaking yet. But I'm pretty good at thinking of a round about way of getting to what i want to say xD And it helped that the girl in front of us was kind of better at understanding english so the bachan's ended up ignoring us anyway xD
After we got our bracelets, however, Kiyomi and I were getting hungry. I went and found some menus from places across the street, and then Stephanie <3 saved our spots. We came back with mashed potatoes and mac and cheese :D so unhealthy :D we saved Stephanie's spot when she had to use the bathroom. So it was win win u_u
Jin got some really hott back up dancers. The guys came out before the show and were kind of getting the crowd hyped up and I took a picture of my friends with the cute one. Paul Ross...that's his name ^.~

After a really long uneventful wait in front of the gentelmen's club next to our venue, we were finally let in and Stephanie rushed to get our space while kiyomi and i headed for the goods. I soon realized that I had no where near enough money for even the cheapest thing. The photos there were $20...I had $4 8Dv So I went and joined Stephanie and we waited for Kiyomi. While waiting for the show to start we chatted with the girls in front of us, whom I think were the only other not-all-asian fans there. Strangely, though, I didn't feel out of place at all. Anyway, the only problem was that the girls in front of us are really tall, and I am notoriously short. I figured I'd find a niche between two shoulders :D

The actual show was so much fun. The music was (mostly) great (I can't feel the hip hop >_> ) and Jin's dancers had really great energy. The opener sang 2 songs and they were acutally really good. And then Jin came out and Kiyomi started crying and I was like, don't cry! SCREAM! 8Dv Man I love screaming. I can hold a scream for a really long time. The coreography was really fun and clever and it was really great to watch, even from so close up. But HE"S SO BEAUTIFUL. Like the entire 2nd floor was filled with fans from japan, and I mean, I think that's kind of far, but it'sstill closer than they can get in Japan. That's crazy! o_e
I love Jin's hair. And his facial structure. And his autotuned voice was pretty great too xD I told Kiyomi after the concert that if all Japanese men looked like Jin there would be more Japanese people in the world XD

I didn't know any of the songs Jin sang. That's one of the only things I would change about the concert tour. He did play some already known songs, and if you'd been to an LA con you had a chance of hearing something familiar, but I like knowing a song so I can sing along. I can't repeat any songs to you tonight, because I still don't know them. But that doesn't mean I didn't have a good time. It's obvious I did. I just think it would make the event more successful if people knew all of the songs. He played three knew songs and I was trying to like....dance? would you call that dancing? but everyone else just stood there. That's the second thing  I would change in a heart beat. The people who bought the floor standing section seating were not dancing. I think in a way that's an insult to Jin, because he wanted to basically have a party going on the floor. It didn't help that most of them were fans from Asia, so they would have been more reserved anyway. But then again, they all have such a strange image of americans being loud and obnoxious, and uninhibited it seems, why wouldn't they try to fit in? o_e

I don't want to spoil the show, but I loved the part with the masks and the guy who's name I can't remember but you'll know who he is because it's obvious he's a Johnny's XD.
After the con I insisted we walk Stephanie to the subway station, then Kiyomi and I bought drinks before rushing to where Kiyomi's dad was waiting in the car. They gave me a ride home and I really appreciate it :D <3 and before you go crazy, the drinks were from Carl's Jr ._.

So that was really the most I can tell right now. I have pics, and I'm trying to send them to FB but they have not loaded, not a single one. not even the ones i sent at ....4 pm ._,

real life!, 8d, jin, omgilovemylife

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