Dec 30, 2011 06:33
So, for those not in the know, I'm going back to college. I start mid-January. I've already taken my placement exams, and registered for classes. Three of them, only 2 are actual classes, the other is some stupid-sounding "College Success Seminar." I have English Composition on Wednesdays, and Business Math on Thursdays. When I signed up for these classes we had a full complement of night staff. That has very recently changed. One of our girls is going to days, which they need her and has been expected. Our newest trainee walked out 2 Sundays ago. Apparently our newest newbie walked out last night. So, we're back to 4-ish employees when we should have 6-ish. This means overtime for all. So, now, I'm wondering if I should drop a class. I cannot drop the dumb class, it's required during the first term for any student at NHCTC. I'm just concerned that the other two classes are going to be more work than I'll have time for if I'm working OT, and we have no idea of how long the OT will last. My last English class was more than 10 years ago, but it was a lot of work. A paper each week, plus reading and other assignments. I don't want to drop a class, but I'm still not feeling a hundred percent, and working more always wears me down more than I feel it should. Grrrr. I just keep churning it over in my head.