Apr 14, 2011 16:25

Yes because I REALLY needed more yarn Mom and I hit up AC Moore and Hobby Lobby for yarn. Well ok I DID need cotton yarn which my stash is sadly .. errrr was, lacking. Now I have LOTS of cotton yarn! YAY! And we just couldn't resist the lb of yarn 2 for $9 at AC Moore- once fuzzy pack and one really bright variation yarn! YESSSSS I LOVE YARN! I'm up to 80 people liking Crafty Elf Crochet but sadly still only one order but I have agreed to help sponsor a couple give aways with the hope that I'll get some orders out of the deal and since for the most part I'm using yarn from the stash (today's binge aside that is) I figure its less bad.

Other than that I went to weed but sadly the ground is still to wet for weeding to work, so I spread out a towel and a blanket and laid outside reading and did my yoga outside today. I restarted yesterday andmy back already feels SO MUCH better and I feel like my arms are already looking more toned. YAY! Snickers was sunbathing outside as I yoga-ed. I feel AWESOME. Now off to crochet because I have so much YARN and many projects to work on! YAY!
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