veggie veggie fruit fruit, veggie fruit fruit

Mar 07, 2011 21:06

I'm really proud of the amount of vegetables and fruits I've eaten so far today. I'm trying to see if that will help me with amount I want to eat after I exercise.  But lunch today was a bowl of mediterranean veggies with a little bit of olive oil and seasoning on them (from the Schawn man) and I had some strawberries and kiwi with some trefoils crumbled in them as a snack, and then had about a fist full of brocolli with my pasta tonight. I plan on having more strawberries tonight, this time probably with thin mints crumbled in to make them extra-dessert ish.

I also did work out today, earlier than normal too! But I only did the programmed workout because it was lower body and was pretty much nothing but squats, lunges, running, foot fires and anything else you can think of that makes your legs burn. So instead of torturing myself further afterwards I just called it quits and will do the extra workout tomorrow, and try to make sure I do a non-programmed workout (aka focused only on cardio) on wednesday. Though I do have to say, as much as I hate the fact squats/squat jumps/lunges make my thighs and butt burn like crazy, I can see a marked diffferent already (its been 2 weeks of the 3 week program), and the best part is, the workouts are helping not only tone my legs, they are helpng the cellulite fade. I guess its a mixture of the movements that allows all the muscles to work out the fat pockets or something. I'd like to think that me remembering to put on lotion is helping also. Either way I can see a result in every part of my body and that makes me really happy.

In other news I've been bouncing around the idea of taking more orders for crocheted items but lately I've been working on some items for Dad's dance studio which is doing a silent auction on March 12th in the stripmall behind Spotsy Towne Center. I also have about 5 things already requested I have to make, problem is I feel kinda crocheted out. I need a break but still have one more thing to finish for Saturday. Then I think I will take a couple days to just read and play with my iPad/apply to jobs before I start on the orders. Another problem is I feel bad charging as much as what people say I should charge, I'm afraid if I charge for $7/hr worth of labor no one will buy anything from me which is not what I want. BUt also if I do that I would just figure that the cost of the material factors in, if it doesn't I'll look at the material costs and figure out from there how much i want to charge per hour. Tonight however, I will take a break and read a romance :-)  I have to catch up on my reading stack it's sitll out of control.

One more thing, my little silver saturn kicked the bucket (or was about to) the other week it started having trouble starting, so Daddy and Scott hooked it up to a battery charger daddy has from charging Grandma and Gagoo's old car before selling it, and it started fine but felt weird when driving so took it to ATA (who we LOVE), and they couldn't find anything wrong with it.  A week later it started shifting VERY roughly, which happened a year ago and turned out to be the computer system so we took it back to ATA and told them that, got a call the next day that it was the transmission and that we had to take it to a different shop that specializes in that. So we took it there, and  got a call from them later in the week that the transmission needed overhauling. This would have been $2,000 at least probably more as they couldn't find a used transmission to replace ours, so we decided not to put that much money into the car when it wasn't worth much more than $4,000 in tip-top shape. So we started car shopping, almost got ripped off by a used car sales man and realized it was silly to look at used cars when all the decent ones we would be willing to pay for were just a little bit less than the new ones. So we looked at our options, and since they were the only ones open on Sunday went to KIA (also started there because the car we were looking at was the cheapest out of similar models by different dealers). AND WE GOT A NEW CAR! This is HUGE for us, because neither one of us has bought a NEW car, I've never bought ANY car and Scott's other car was used. It's a 2011 Kia Rio5, which is a hatchback, which we wanted because its easier to get big bulky things out of the truck and since we want the car still when we start having kids, it would be easier to get a stroller in and out of. Granted thats still a while a way but we plan on having this car til it starts dying as well. So yea. Its got the aux. for iPods, voice command, power EVERYTHING and CRUISE CONTROL! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Its awesome.

ok NOW I'm going to go read a book :-) Romance here I come!!!!

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