Jan 28, 2011 22:12
So the highlight of this week was the snow . Other than that my week has been kinda iffy. Ok, mostly today. I guess the week was fine until the snow. Then ... lets see..
SNOW! While I love snow I do not love snow when it causes Scott to fall and possibly seriously injure himself. He slipped twice landed on the same elbow, which is now swollen and starting to bruise so we get to go to Urgent Care tomorrow morning, one of the (airforce reserve) medics he knows has said its possibly fractured, even though he can still move it (with a lot of pain).
But mostly it was today that stunk.Most of which I'm not going to write about because its private. But mostly its been a bad day. And Snickers isn't helping she has been going crazy ALL FREAKING DAY, she settled for about and hour and a half inthe afternoon but thats it, long enough for me to start a new book and get cuddles because my not so great day got crappier. SHe has FINALLY settled down some, now I hope it lasts. However, to make my day better Scott was allowed to leave early and got me stuff, 1) Penguin Bowling! IT IS AWESOME 2) Children's Book : Stuart Little at the Library -- VERY CUTE and 3) A GIANT CUPCAKE! as in a 5lb cupcake, which I will be sharing with him, Mom and Dad.
Despite my crappy day I am trying really hard to be optimistic abouta job possibility that closed today. I try very hard to live by the rule of what you put out in the universe you will get back three fold. Somedays that is harder to live up to than others....
but for now I will finish this chapter than maybe watch one of my feel good shows (West Wing or Tudors ?) and Crochet-- or I might keep reading. We'll see.