Sep 07, 2008 08:38
I am offically jobless.
Not just unemployed, but now jobless.
Those arrogant, corrupt, cheating, lying, backstabbing, penny pinching, SHIT SUCKING assholes at the dining hall have seen fit to not call me back to my job at MY fucking pizza station.
Though, thats not what they say to everyone else! They tell everyone that they DID infact try calling me, thus proving that they are liars because if they had I would have known about it.
Now im not going to be drawing a paycheck and am going to have one hell of a time finding a good paying job in this small ass piece of shit town.
I feel a deep rooted need to go in and just destroy that station and tell them that "If I can't have it, nor can you!".
Because thats just an unfortunate part of my personality.
If I am falling into the abyss, im simply going to grab the nearest ankle and bring them down with me.
3 years.... 3 goddamn years of service and this is what I get.
Have no delusions, people.
There is NO such thing as job security anymore.
But enough of sounding like a crazy disgruntled worker.
I simply HAD to vent that out. It had been festering for the past few days.
And aside from that I don't really know what else to say about my week.
Im broke and simply doing the best I can to hold on and survive this doomed, sinking ship called life.
But all I do is whine so... What do I know.