Nov 09, 2003 18:01
I only chose that mood because it sounds cool.
-I was talking to my Mom on the phone, she said because I left my shoes at home and forgot to put them on... that she's going to beat me with her double-sided strap. She did that when I was young, trying to imagine her doing that to me now gave me bad memories. I love my Mom, but her sense of humor gets on my nerves. The mood really does sound kina cool. My grandmother made me a tuna fish sandwich, with sliced pieces of apple. I know thats kinda hickish, but she was born thousands of years ago, and it actually tastes pretty swell.
I'm about to head home, usually when I head home my grandmother and my Dad fight about whether his anti-psychotic medication is working. My Dad is technically stoned off his ass on these anti-psychotics and my grandmother is just a plain dumbass. Who wins? Me, I don't say shit. One is stoned and the other is stupid and I'm just there. Who's kicking the high-road of ass now!?