Well wasn't that interesting

Feb 27, 2006 14:44

So last night was pretty intense. Went to Halfway then tiny house then back to halfway. Erik played a pretty good set and funeral dress wasn't bad. The halfway house is becoming "Halfway House Daycare Center" So many god damn little kids, its really weird. I got kinda drunk and on my way back from halfway, i got chased by the cops around drexel's campus for running a red light. They didn't catch me but i could hear them saying "You damn son of a bitch, I goinng to fucking get you" Got i love my bike.

Then last night i had the weirdest dream. I had a dream where I was on one of those little pond hopper jet planes and we were told to make an emergency landing. When we landed all the sudden George Bush, Condi and get this, Harrison Ford Get on the plane. Ummmmm WTF?!?!? So the plane becomes "Air Force One" and we are trying to take off on an abandoned highway while being chased by someone but the problem is that there is little runway and trees on both sides. I got off the ground and then the piolt was trying to do "evasive menauvers" sp? and we were getting shot at and also trying to doge the trees and then we finally got away from the people trying to kill the president, a tree clipped our wing and we went down in this clearing. We all got out and then took what ever we could carry and took cover in the woods. Then I woke up and just thought. "Damn you GW, always find a way to fuck with me, even in my dreams you call down my plane and put me in the line of fire and fuck up my trip. But at least Harrison Ford was there if we needed a man's man to save us"
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