[Poor thing couldn't fight the pain of it all...so your guardian will take advantage of the dawn's slowly disappearing shade to retrieve their clothes. Best leave the shoes behind.]
[As soon as Gordon's dressed and his old self again, he purifies some water and sets it aside for Once. Looking at the Sun rising brings him a little comfort: one night down, three more to go.]
[Decides not to follow just yet, to allow him to speak or express himself through silence. No, he didn't bite you, he'd rather live his days being stuck like this than have you share this fate.]
*Counts to ten mentally and then goes with the only rational reaction: pretending that absolutely nothing happened. Businessman's smile returns if a bit strained.*
Have an insane schedule today. Meetings, another conference on the telephone, and another luncheon with someone, but I forget with who.
Mr. Dubois from the French Thrills and Frills shop about the Thneeds. [Still your best assistant] He's allergic to peanuts so no going to your usual place.
[lifts a patch of dirt to hide the torn up shoes. What happened last night...needs both of them to be at their calmest or they might show more canine traits. But to avoid the epic shitstorm that will be his mother, he grabs Once-ler and puts him in his personal bathroom. A shush finger, he flies off to his new abode, with a promise to meet him at the office for their usual breakfast agenda breakdown.]
[ooc: night! this text box doesn't allow titles :|]
*Showers, washing his hair twice. He gets dressed, finds another pair of shoes, and somehow manages to avoid his mom, before flopping into his chair at his desk.*
Have an insane schedule today. Meetings, another conference on the telephone, and another luncheon with someone, but I forget with who.
Great! Yeah, don't want anyone...dying while having lunch, that's generally frowned upon.
I'm going to have to shower first.
*And possibly order some new shoes.*
[ooc: night! this text box doesn't allow titles :|]
((ooc: night!))
Tell the blond brigades to get a crash course in organization: they've obliterated my system with a hot mess.
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