So uhhh

Aug 24, 2010 11:36

It's been like........a really long time since I posted on here? Hurm. Where to begin...

I'm back in Knoxville? I managed to get enough financial aid to get back to UTK (and by that I mean I have no meal plan, so I'm running on Special K bars and ravioli and bottled water) so here I am! Back in a good school away from my parents and with good classes! Sabrina is my roommate, with Larissa next door (her room and ours share a bathroom). Feels good man.

Still jobhunting, now that I've moved. I had an interview with Godiva yesterday (you know, the $16 chocolate store?) and am expecting a phone call from them next week. As long as they call before I lose my phone service due to lack of money....Hm.

And for the uhh...2 people on here that don't already know (assuming they read this) I'm dating someone. <3 After 6 months of being single I was asked out by a guy I formally met at Kajonk in December. Turns out we've hung out indirectly before at Jamp in 08. XD Herpdederp. We've been together for approaching 3 months now, with many more in the future I hope. He's super sweet and funny, and generally awesome. Hopefully I'll get to go see him this weekend.

Fandom time!

Nothing particularly new here. AWA is coming around the corner (less than a month, orz) and I'm not readyyyyy. To be fair to myself, I've got good progress on Arachne. I have to make her sleeves and neck-web, then the spider on her back and I'll be done. When Casey (BF) and I first started talking we decided to cosplay Arachne and Giriko from Soul Eater together, so I'm hoping I won't fall through on this one. D: So far I'm pretty sure that's all I'll get to cosplay this year because of money. Oh well. Could be worse. I wanted to do Erza from Fairy Tail with Casey for the photoshoot, but as long as I get Arachne done I'll be please. I'm considering roughing up a wooden baseball bat and going as Cassie from Hack/Slash. :B So basically just getting dressed and walking around. Derp.

Next year has a lot of options so far. They all just depend on how my money situation turns out.I think there's talk of a FF6 group, as well as maybe a Dissidia group? Then there's Heart no Kuni no Alice, and possibly Pandora Hearts. TBH, the fanbase for PH and drama around it is kinda pissing me off though. Fuck drama. I'm not too sure about other plans yet. That will come later I suppose.

Well uhhhh. I guess that's about it. Doodily. So I guess I'll post later.
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