Apr 30, 2004 21:06
today kicked ass. and it kicked my ass, more like my ankles.
i was home all morning, went to the park all by my lonesome, then i went back home then went back to the park around 4:30. i was there for a while just sk8ing by myself, until katie and katelyn came down. they filmed some messed up shit with the camera, and me skating. a good time i must say! i went back home and then i went online, talked to ppl and went to brookside. came home and decided i want to sleep out side again. i also found out im not moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
atleast not tomorrow. hehe had u goin didnt i. heheh. oh yah i had 5 mountainews today and i have a 2 liter right now! needless to say im hyper.
some one make plans for saturday neone!