(no subject)

May 19, 2005 21:55

ok, its taken awhile, but im finally making a real update. which in turn makes me a hipocrit cause ive been bitching about how i dont even like lj ne more. which i dont, its just i got alot on my mind and thats what a journal is for right? getting stuff off ur mind. so without further ado, a lj entry.

right now im in a very confused state in my life. im confused about absolutely everything! how im getting a car, license, robyn, school, florida, "im going to florida in the summer and i have no idea how im gonna get as much money as i need", and other shit. so if u dont mind me bitching, i will indeed bitch. i nned money, money comes from a paycheck, which comes from an employer, which comes with a job. the point is, i need a job. ive been looking around everywhere, except fastfood restaurants, for a job. it doesnt even have to be decent paying! i justy need a job ASAP. and once i do get a job, if i get it in time, i would try to get atleast $150 for when i go to florida. then my goal would be a little thing we call a license! to think that for a small little rectangular shaped peice of plastic could cost $450. dumbest thing in the world. to top it off, my parents arent even helping me pay for it! after i get my license i would focus on an automobile. a decent one that runs and lloks good. i dont want to end up driving a rusted tin can down the road causing smog and more damage to the o-zone layer. bush has done enough for that. and yes i am a hippy, i just dont smoke. im pretty sure u dont have to smoke or dress like a hippy to be one. labels are gay. back to my money situation.after i buy a car, it will be well into the school year. ill prolly be back at waterville for the winter and i will need more gear, mostly snowpants and boots. i wasted all my paychecks this year on all the other stuff. so i dont think i have ne lans after that. which is good cause being organised is good, but too organised is bad. especially for me.
well i guess thats it for this entry. robyn is prolly wondering why she isnt in every other snetence. speaking of which, shes done with college for the summer. so thats cool. but ya thats it no more lj for a while.
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