i hate these things but i always do them

Jul 15, 2004 19:05

Full Name: sean m. bennett
Nicknames: stompy, seaneeee!, etc
Birthday: sept,29,88
Age: 15
Sign: dont no
Height: 5'9
Eyes: blue/silver
Hair: Brown, long bitchin mohawk
Feet: 12.5
Pets: a dog,cat 2 ferrets
Siblings: brother
Best Friend: BEAU!
Shyest: beau
Most OUtgoing: timpy
Smartest: donald
Coolest: maybe derek, hes pretty cool
Funniest: russell
Cutest: ....
Most Popular: i dont like popular ppl
Sexiest: who ever has nice boobies!
The Loser One: define loser
Have you ever dated a friend?: Yes
If you did...who?: u dont no her
If not...would you?: it worked out for a while so maybe
[Which is Worse?]
Crusty Lips or Eye Boogars?: crusty lips
Farting or Burping?: fart
Boiling to Death or Freezing to Death: freezing takes alot longer
Wiping your butt with sandpaper or wiping your nose with dirty underwear?: dude....
Chinese Nip Torture or Eating rabbit turds thinking they were raisenettes?: dude....
Being Hated or Being Ignored?: its bad to hate but worse to ignore
Falling Forwards or Falling backwards?: doesnt matter, im gonna get fucked up both ways
[This or That?]
Pepsi/Coke: coke
Black/White: Black
Night/Day: Night
Hot/Cold: either
Dog/Cat: dog
Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
Fucking Pam Anderson/Fucking Carmen Electra (both have yeast infections): use a codom
Band: afi
Song: ne good fast punk song
Movie: i love movies!
Type of Movie: Horror
Animal: ferret
Color: crimson red
Food: chinese!
Ice Cream: forbidden chocolate
Place to go: where ever the parties at
Person to be with: ppl u love
Sport: football, snowoarding and skating arent sports
Game: chess, and poker, strip poker
TV Show: i hate tv
Acress: i dont no
Actor: the good one
Drink: what kind?
Smell: new car
Book: hustler!
Pasttime: drawing, drums, skatboard, snowboard, etc
Store: Nu Wave
Website: launch.com
Lyric: "we lift u up to see how fast you'll fall
we always thought that you could fly
Superhero: batman!
Veggie: pickles
Guilty Pleasure: hehehe
Electrical Appliance: cell phone
Sound: explosions
Season: summer and winter
Holiday: christmas
Body part on yourself: my mohawk
Body part on others: boobs
Pair of Underwear: my flanel boxers
Taste: chicken
Feeling: excitement
Word: fuck
Symbol: of what
Picture: i dont no
Obsession: punk rock
Flower: roses cause they have sharp pointy things
Magazine: i beleive i already answered this
Fruit: strawberry
Car: 65 mustang
Number: 3
CD: any afi cd
Shampoo: what ever makes my hair look nice
Pickup Line: "wanna fuck?..." seems to be a good one
Perfume/Cologne: i use axe
Cartoon: beavis and butthead
Sexual Position: to many to mention
Finger: middle finger
[Naughty Questions]
Been Kissed?: yes
With Who?: maybe u
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: i need one
Virgin?: yes someone steal it from me
How many people have you had sex with?: ...
Names?: of what
Boob Size?: doesnt matter
Shlong Size?: come find out
Masturbate?: too much
How Often?: ....
Abortion?: i'd preferr not tp
Sex Before Marrige?: sure
Sluts?: no
Hooters?: what a good resteraunt
Gay People?: im fine with it, just dont come on to me
Anything Else?: wanna fuck?....
[One Last Question]
How many licks does it take?:of what
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