
Jan 26, 2010 16:30

7:50 - What I learned today: Fenders for my bike will cost 150$+. A good jacket could run me 80$+ and handlebar wraps will be 7$+. BUT I got my laptop sent in for repairs and I'm getting a new display! Yeah! I almost didn't bring it up bcause a lot of the marks on the thing were very obviously fingernail wounds.. Never the less, out with the old in with the new!

The rest of the day pretty much consisted of bus and bike riding. And therefor included loads of spacing out.

When I got to the Apple Store, the closest time I could get was 3 hours away. So I pedalled over to Zoka's. Hadn't been there in for ever! My favorite baristo wasn't around but the atmosphere hasn't changed. Young, hip geekery still abounds.

So I was thinking. Apple only gaurentees your laptop's battery up until 300 load cycles. After that, Applecare or not, they won't replace it, user error. And the official Apple brand one is about 130$. Which got me thinking. Via System Profiler, you can view the number of load cycle you've racked up.. But from whence does that value come? Googling has revealed that the value is stored in NV (non-volitile) RAM somewhere. From reviewing command line tools like nvram -p and ioreg -l -w 0 and the open source documents for the manipulation of the value, my impression was that the value can be manipulated as if it were in firmware (somewhere). More googling revealed a post on the insanelymac forum detailing the construction and use of a homemade utility for the manipulation of the value. I also found a legacy utility (released in 2000), by Apple itself called simply "Apple Battery Reset Utility." It's title speaks volumes to it's purpose.. I didn't have a chance to give it a whirl yet, but I'm definitly intruiged. The main idea is to reset one's battery cycle load count and then complain of poor battery life in order to get a new battery to save the 130$.

I don't think I wrote yesterday but not much happened. I mostly just stayed at home until game night ensued. I called Irene to invite her.. but of course, she was busy. Dinner with Clinton. Oh, and shit-tons of homework. Surprise surprise. I know I shouldn't want to be her friend anymore.. but the message she is sending is just so unclear, I.. just don't know what to think. Really, I think I shouldn't want to be friends with someone who doesn't have enough tact to realize the mixed message she's giving. Or doesn't have enough tact to just be blunt. Oh well.

I was surprised to be told by Lizzie that she was a booty call last friday. For hers I traded my story of my, and then Fred's returned offer of "hanky panky." And realted to her the travesty of both parties living at home. During the course of the evening, I also realized that I like everyone at game night partially because they are all cat people. I get along with cat people, for obvious reasons :3

I think the reason I get along better with cat people is because they understand my feline body language better. Like when I hissed at Amelia because she was trying to take away the ice cream bowl I was licking clean.
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