
Jan 08, 2010 15:13

10:13 AM - I feel like yesterday was kind of a bust. After the Industrial District rejection, I bussed it over to Cornish to try and speak to someone about being an art major, but none of the faculty were around. I did get to the slide librarian though. You know, the one who suggested study abroad? Course you do. I'll have to head back that away again when everyone is home.

At that point, I still had most of the day to kill, to I opted to jump on the 545 and go get my DSi fixed. Upon getting off of the bus at several stops too far, I promptly got myself lost in redmond and had to walk a good 35 blocks, not including a sojourn through a housing development I wasn't sure I would make it out of. Had no idea Redmond was so secretively residential. But Irene helped me find the place and they replaced my DSi painlessly.

Thankfully, that consumed most of the remainder of the day. By the time I got back to Mom's it was 8:30ish and I lacked the physical strength to do anything but sit on the couch. Until Janaki called to remind me about Game Night. Snagged a ride from her and spent the evening floundering around on the floor at Michelle's playing Settlers of Catan and Guillotine.

All and all, it was a pretty good day, I'm just disappointed that I can fill an entire day with activity and get so little done.

Today is brunch with Lauren and Cooper and then.. I don't know what else. I can already smell the bacon cheeseburger.

5:39 PM - Well brunch was interesting. It really just turned into a Cooper grilling. Mom spoke to him about smoking, going to school, taking control of his own life and all that. Of course me and Lauren chimed in, but the talk was mostly Mom and Cooper. Of course it got me thinking a lot too. What about attitudes and directions and the meaning of things and the fufilling of my own goals and what not.

I'm just on the lip of deciding about this school thing. I think the only information I still need is about 1. Study Abroad via Shoreline and being an art major at Cornish. What it would take to get to both and how much money it would cost. Gotta finish up my FAFSA too.

Post-brunch has just been lazing around home. Mom read a bit and then napped when we got back. Meanwhile I noticed that my much beloved Logitech S 510 Cordless Keyboard was looking particularly scuzzy and decided to take all the keys of, unscrew the thing, and wash all the fally-offy bits. If I were focussing on it exclusively, I'd say the whole process would take more than half an hour. From previous experience, I know that air drying the keys and what not takes forever, so I opted to use a blow dryer this time and that greatly sped things up. All the while listening to NPR's fabulous short story podcast: Selected Shorts.
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