
Jan 05, 2010 13:30

12:51 PM - So I've fallen a little short of my New Years resolution so far. But rest assured, the last few days have been busy busy busy.

New Years Eve, Gretta and me loaded up into her mom's Subaru and high tailed it to Bellingham, invited by Ian. Pre-proposed plans included a cocktail party, salsa and swing dancing and a trip to Narnia. (Narnia is Ian's unique closet which extends under the staircase in his house). It only took about an hour to get up there.
In my personal opinion, I think I was the best dressed person at the cocktail party. Wore my choir tux (which was filthy!). Inspecting it at Ian's before we left for the party, I found in the breast pocket a ticket to the Woodinville prom. A little bit of pain still. The slacks were covered in Purby hair too. I made a mental note to take care of my dress clothes better and tried not to think about Kay. We went out before hand for Thai food in our outfits for shits and giggles.
The party itself was just okay. Ian knew just about everyone there but me and Gretta were crashing. I put down a good 4 beers and 3 or so bitch beers and got to feeling pretty groovy. There was drinking Janga and the night passed mostly uneventfully. Barely anyone noticed it was going to be 2010 until about 5 minutes before the clock struck. I was honestly surprised when no one opted to lead a rendition of Auld Lang Syne, but I also didn't find myself up to the task; could barely remember the words! Not long after the stroke of midnight, we changed parties over to another one of Ian's friends on the far side of Bellingham. There was music, and more drinking, a little guitar and a little paino. It was nice.
Gotta say though, that I hit the people wall. The point at which I can't stay positive long enough to maintain a good impression or interesting/engaging conversation. That was the point at which I removed myself to the entry way and stared at the ceiling for.. oh, I don't know, I lost track of time. It's tough like that sometimes. I know I'm my own worst critique, but at times like those, I honestly feel like I'm not worth talking to. And even if I am, because I feel like I'm not, it becomes by own self-fufilling prophecy.
Post-party, still reasonably drunk, we retired to Ian's thank god for our DD. And at Ian's, promptly to Narnia where we talked till nearly 5 in the morning and then crawl out to sleep. Well, Gretta and Ian did, I just passed out in Narnia. Can't exactly say what we talked about. The only conversation I remember was one on how to not get friend zoned. For future reference (I'm sure), the only parts of that I remember are to not talk about your exs' and be physical. Excessive arm touching and just any physical contact what so ever, so long as it doesn't go too far. And the not talking about your exs' one is slightly self-explamitory.

We really didn't drag ourselves downstairs until about 11 and didn't get out the door and back on the road until noon. Driving back was equally expedient. And we passed the idle driving by way of me reading Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere aloud. It took some convincing from Gretta, but apparently I'm good at it. We even missed our exit on the way back.
I haven't read aloud in a long long time. And I've barely put any time into fiction/phantasy/sci-fi in a while either. And I'd completely forgotten what it was like to picture fictional happenings in my head. You really forget you're reading. It's just like you are watching a movie or a play carried out. I'd honestly forgotten how vivid my imagination could get. Not that I'm surprised, it's just, been a while.
In the evening was Lauren's annual New Year's day party. Which was alright. Massive amount of Turkey, really good salads and the customary Fondue. Cooper was there, Danny and his sister was there and Cooper's little brother and sister as well. We played 007:Golden Eye on his N64. There was post-dinner smoking so I spent the night.

I didn't do much the second, just sorta tooled around and thought about my to-do list. Cooper gave me a ride but.. It's kinda hard to hang out with him for any extended period of time. I hate to say it, and hate to sound pretentious, but he's a bit boring. There doesn't seem to be much that interests him about pot and musicals. Neither of which are my forte.
Around 4-5ish, I started getting really depressed. I don't know what happened. If I hadn't done in my last Parliament light 100, I would have. It felt different.. I was sad, but I didn't feel like I needed or even wanted company. And since I've not got any privacy at Mom's, I decided to take a walk.
Hadn't made it a block before Casey called me to see if I wanted to hang out. Despite being off, I decided to join him, seeing as how I haven't seen him in a while. He assured me Eden wasn't going to be there.
It turned out to be one of those idle type of hangouts. The kind that mostly comprise running errands with the other person. After he picked me up, we drove down to Northgate to get a replacement wireless Rockband guitar. Normally these kinds of hangouts erk me somewhat, just because there are usually more enjoyable things that can be done with one's time with someone. But because of my vacant disposition, it was palatable.
It got better. Back at Casey's house we played Rockband till the cows came home. He also showed me how to play Hearts and Sevens. Kyle, Casey, Me, Carl, Jimmy and a girl who's name I can't remember. We ordered pizza and got soda. A pretty good time was had by all.

Today has been slow. I've been living on the couch all day. Let me list of all of the things I can think of that I'd like to be doing daily for the new year:

- Shower
- Brush Teeth
- Pushups/Crunches
- One Drawing
- Some Guitar Practice

SO, so far today, I've still got guitar, teeth brushing, exercise and drawing todo. Actually sounds like some what of a full day. I guess Lunch and then laundry are the first on the list.

8:02 PM - Well, at least the Subaru is out of my life. Davina called me up at around 5 and more or less pleaded for me to bring "her" car back. She mentioned something to the effect of moving back down the California.. but we'll see. While I was driving there, I realized the one common shortcoming of Karen's entire, immediate family: No one takes responsibility. Davina doesn't take responsibility for her family, for her actions, for her job (or lack there of). Karen doesn't take responsibility for Davina, her poor decisions, her lack of empathy. It's just a mess.
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