
Dec 28, 2009 16:17

1:32 PM - I can't believe it's already christmas eve!

Just got done driving over to Cle Elum from Mom's in the Subaru shitbox. Oh man is it a piece of crap. Smelly crap at that. There are still potatoe chips on the back seat. It's just gross. But at least I made it. I had to spend about 30$ on gas in the last few days. That leaves me with 5$ from my original 60$ left over from moving out of Index. At least the thing gets decent gas mileage, calculated it out to around 23 for highway mpg. It's gas mileage I think might be it's one redeeming factor. The lightless dashboard, missing roof paint and stink certainly aren't.

Really I shouldn't knock it so much, Karen just offered it to me. But I can't see that I will need a car in the near future. Every time I think of getting a job, I think of finding it in Shoreline. Which is all pretty easily accessible via bus and bike. But I suppose it would make life easier.

God, I just don't want a job. I want to be able to devote myself, full time, in place of a job, so something more interesting and less superficial than anything I can think of doing for money in Shoreline. The time I would spend renting U-haul trailers, I'd rather spend practicing drawing. The time I'd spend working at Radioshack I'd rather spend shooting photographs. But it's just as if, as soon as anything becomes difficult, even things I love, I can't do them. Something in my brain just shuts off. It's un-ceaselessly frustrating.

Positive things.

I think I've found a few recordings of a carol I love. Riu Riu Chiu is bordering on furry. It's a beautiful spanish carol and madrigal that has just enchanting lyrics. Riu Riu Chiu is itself suppose to be the sound of a nightingale's call:

Riu, riu, chiu (nightingale's sounds)
The river bank protects it,
As God kept the wolf from our lamb

The rabid wolf tried to bite her
But God Almighty knew how to defend her
He wished to create her impervious to sin
Nor was this maid to embody original sin

I'm not too hot on much religious music, but when you really get down to it, it's not the inspiration or the lyrics that really matter. You have to look past the parts you don't like surrounding the creation of the music and appreciate the music for being itself. That's not the best way to say what I mean.. but I think you catch the drift. I need to get a good recording of The Holly And The Ivy too. That's another carol with religious themes I'm willing to overlook.

Finally got to see Cooper last night. It came down to having to show up at his house and throw rocks at his window. He lost his phone a few months ago and hasn't been contactable. Not that he contacts me anyway, but it's making it a pain to keep him in the loop while he's back in town. He still manages to only spend about 2 minutes of every day at home.

Spent last night at Lizzie's and then at Hanna's. Coincidentally, while at Lizzie's, I let slip that I hadn't seen Love Actually. Boy did I hear it. After Lizzie's, I got invited to watch a movie at Hanna's. Guess what movie she had in mind. Yes, I watched Love Actually. But I gotta say, wasn't entirely impressed. I'm just not one for romantic comedy apparently. Going back to Hanna's for the movie meant that I didn't spend a whole 12 hours away from it. Telling I guess.
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