Well I'd say I feel pretty good.
late last night some emails came in from Master van Cleave. She had a meeting with Grandmaster Kim yesterday and he made comments as to how talented and creative I am and what a great help I have been to him of late. This makes me feel good. I'm developing my own person relationship with him, which is approprate at this phase of my journey. I am a 2nd gup, getting ready to be 1st gup. I'm doing a lot of graphic design for the World Headquarters as well as the Kingwood branch school. I'm running a window decal sale right now, and we'll do t-shirts in the third quarter.
We're also devising a program geared at kids that will teach:
A. Self defense against predators.
B. Self defense against bullies.
C. Activity to combat childhood obesity.
D. Building character and self esteem.
As well as a program for Senior citizens.
I'm to organize a demonstration group for the summer. We'll make appearances at schools, shopping malls, and other places where people congregate....maybe health fairs, child safety fairs, etc. We'll demonstrate classical martial arts and practical self defense techniques.
Tomorrow I'm going over to the world HQ to hang. I've got classmates testing:
Trung Le, from North Harris is going up for his green belt.
Jayden from Kingwood is going for his yellow.
Claudia and Natalie from Kingwood are going for thier 2nd Pre-test for Black Belt.
I'm also taking my camera to photograph Grandmaster with his latest award for a press release.
Last week, on April 6, 2007 in New York City, Grandmaster Kim Soo was inducted into the Taekwondo Hall of Fame.
I feel good about being a part of the International Chayon-Ryu Martial Arts Association, and a student of Chayon Mu Do.
I've come so far....it's hard to believe I was ever the way I used to be. Every day I wake up I realize a little more how the universe works, the natural law, the natural way, and how to surrender to it, to flow with it, and not fight against it. When we fight the natural way, we battle ourselves.
This is the internal foes that Grandmaster talks of....these are the hardest enemies to defeat. But I am winning my battles, one at a time. Since I became a brown belt, I've felt a state of flux come over me. Even my teachers notice and comment. I've been told I am a natural leader, that I am a sincere and dedicated student, that I am an asset to the system, and that I have build much kong.
I get a lot of compliments from Mr. David Eastwood, one of our 2nd Dans from Kingwood. He's one of my favorite people out there. Our boys. The black belts three....but soon, we'll have the black belts five, as the ladies move up. We'll have two women in black. Then I am next to follow them.
Master Kit suggested that after they get thier promotion and they are in a state of rest, for me to get with them this summer and enlist thier aid in preparation for my 1st gup test. My goal is August. That will make me eligable for pre-test in February of 2008, if Grandmaster gives permission.
And if he does, and I only have to take two pre-tests, and I get my thesis in on time....I might make my goal of attaining a black belt at age 40. If not, it'll be just a month or two into my 41st year.
But the significant thing is that I will be promoted in the same year as the 40th anniversary of the Chayon-Ryu system's founding.
If I haven't lost any of you yet, and you're still reading this long ass ramble, (LOL!) that's a big deal to me. Chayon-Ryu is my life path. It's the path I was meant to walk, it's where the Goddess led me. To be a warrior, philosopher and trainer of future strong warrior-philosopher women.
It's my calling.
I answer the call.
And so I am happy to find myself in my 40th year of life to be in the midst of this amazing entity. To be surrounded by people of skill, wisdom and achievement. The people in Chayon-Ryu are not couch potatoes...they are PhD's, Engineers, Lawyers, Captains of Industry, Educators, Writers, Artists and Artisans, Scientists, Philosophers, Mothers and Fathers.
I have a lot to celebrate from that three years of my journey. When I was about to turn 37, well I wasn't so happy. I'd just started to learn CYR, and I had a lot of turbulance in my life. But it's all over, it's in the past. How far I've come....how far there is yet to go...but with all things, the journey is the reward.
The most important lessons I've learned in CYR:
1. Patience. With myself, with others. Accepting that things unfold in thier own time, and that no matter how hard one tries, one cannot hold the wind in one's hand.
2. Respect. For my teachers, for my classmates, for my students. It is given to a degree, and earned the rest of the way. You have to give it to get it in return.
3. Self control. Being aware of my self, my body, my being. Mindful of the moment, and in control of my own thoughts and actions. Self control is the gateway to individualism.
4. Self confidence. I am no longer afraid. My mind is free of fear, and so I can think deeper thoughts, free of worry, I have moments of clarity, and this leads me closer to Nam (enlightenment).
5. Leadership. How to be a good leader begins with learning how to follow. A good leader builds a relationship of trust with those who would follow. This quality is vital for the smooth operation of the dojang. You must be in control, but not without compassion. You must care about your students, their safety, their progress, their journey. If you don't, then you're just a sack! lol!
6. Loyalty. This is something I see less and less of in the outside world. Seldom to people at large have the nuts to take a position and stick to it. They ebb and flow with public opinion. But when one is loyal to one's principles, to the people in your life that you value, to your friends, family and dojang, you are a complete person.
7. Sincerity. There's too little of this in the universe. People don't question thier own motives and self check and balance. Sincerity is a mark of quality in a human being. It is the lack of maliciousness or huberous in intent of action.
8. Integrity. Living by what you say you believe. Few people do. But plenty of them put on a good show.
9. Self esteem. This comes from setting goals and reaching them.
10. Honesty. I have never met a more honest group than the people of Chayon-Ryu. This is no understatement. They have restored my faith in the possibility that human beings might be worth salvaging, lol!
anyway....shit, I've rambled.
Have a groovy Friday the 13th!!! MuuuuuuuuuuAH HA HA!