Voice Post 2

Feb 17, 2007 16:11

[When I was a chicobo, I used to listen to the stories the roosters would tell. Now I guess it is my turn to tell a story.

A long time ago, there was a warrior. He was the strongest there was, and everyone wanted to be like him. He had two friends whom he kept close to him. But one day, when they were in a small town, he learned the truth. Bad people had made him using evil magic. He began to hate those people, and soon, he hated everyone. He burned the small town and turned away from his friends, leaving them in the hands of the Dark One.

The Dark One had made the silver warrior what he was. And he did the same bad things to the warriors friends. They both escaped, but one of them died outside the big city. The last friend was so hurt that he forgot who he was. And so he went into the big city.

There he made lots of friends, and they helped him destroy the bad things in the big city. And they learned of the Silver one's hatred, and how he wanted to destroy everything. So they decided they had to stop him.

There was a Flower girl. She was very pretty and very nice. She took it upon herself to ask the Planet for help. And the Silver one struck her down. And there was much sadness. The friend missed her very much, as they all did. They were going to need a lot of help if they were to defeat the Silver one.

So they bred a very special chocobo. This chocobo loved them and protected them. He joined them on their long journey, where he fought many battles and saw many new things. And finally they met the Dark One. And they struck him down, and he was no more. And then they fought the Silver one, and he was no more.

And the big rock fell from the sky towards the Planet, but the Planet made it go away. And they took the chocobo home, and celebrated. Then all of the friends went their seperate ways. And the chocobo was left alone, and forgotten.

The sickness came and went, and he was forgotten. The Planet got into trouble again. 'Surely,' he thought, 'they will need me now.' But they never came for him. The chocobos had been replaced by machines, and no one came for them except for fun. And the Planet was saved again, and he was forgotten.

And his human family lived happily ever after. The End.]
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