Jul 21, 2004 21:24
If you and I were alone in a room right now, what would we be doing?
Now post this in YOUR LJ, and see what people wanna do with you.
HAHAHAHA I took that from Autumns journal. Ah, funny shit. I'm on the phone, you know the thing that you dial peoples numbers witha nd it goes ring ring? lol. I have lotsa shit like that, my sayings, YeeHaw. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR, people are so fucking irritating. Little miss high and mighty gonna get her ass beat.
Heres the conversation
Me: sorry
Me: i love you
LMB: why should i believe you
Me: you dont have too but its the truth
LMB: lets see you are typing in the same way and using the same incorrect grammar. . . why again
ME: ok fine fuck you, your too good for the rest of the world right?? I get it, fuck off bye
LMB: have a nice day
LMB: no thanks I would rather wait
LMB: that is lovely my dear and you held to shift key when you meant to put up your apostrophe
Me: i don't give a fuck miss high and mighty, you can suck a dick and die for all i care
LMB: you know you will eat those words one day sooner or later hopefully you will learn sooner
Me: well you will learn too miss bitchy that you can't treat everyone like they are dumb, get off yourself.
LMB: i think that the dog slept way too close to you last night
Me: hmmmm, no. you just think your the shit and your not
LMB: well guess what
LMB: well, too bad GOD LOVES YOU
Me: God aint shit, so drop the high and mighty attitude before it gets knocked out of ya
LMB: now who on the planet will do that my dear?
ME: knock your fucking attitude out of ya???
Me: cuz if thats the case I WILL
LMB: i would love to see you try without getting yourself arrested
ME: you just wanna call the cops on everyone don't ya dee, well sweetie pie go right a fucking head. The cops can't solve all your problems bitch your gonna have to do that on your own
LMB: yup and calling them is dealing with it if you didn't realize that i guess that you have been living in the wrong part of the planet there why don't you go to the Middle East or something where crazy people who think nothing of beating up people or making them angry is absolutely nothing new
Me: WOW calling the cops wont solve all your problems you do know that right??? and how aobt you come back down to the planet we call earth and stop living in your GOD solves all shit.
Me: I'm fucking done wastin my time with you, i said sorry, so fuck off
LMB: no because He does solve all problems and you can not read this if you don't want to but it'll be good for you. GOD LOVES YOU NOT THE THINGS YOU DO. maybe if you choose to listen every once in a while you would learn to live and LOVE. not hate. GOD loves you and so do I. get off you satanic humanistic point-of-view and come back to reality. i hope you have a wonderful life.
Me: Sweetie i don't live a satanice life, and i do love, just not your attitiude
LMB: so you DID read it you're improving. I say you've earned a pirate
Me: I don't want your fucking pirate, i want you to drop the holyer than thou attitude
LMB is her.
I was in a good mood today, not no more thanks to little miss bitch! Oh fucking well i'm not gonna let some stupid person ruin my day. Now where was I, OH YEAH, lol. yeah days have been pretty univentful, oh well. Bye