Administrative note: I will stop LJ crossposting at the end of 2017. For a better blk-blog experience, find me at
I'm attempting to start a new series of entries which will basically be acro/workout logging, in hopes of encouraging me to remember more of what I do (so I don't blank out like deer-in-headlights whenever I'm given an apparatus without explicit instruction) and also for tracking my progress for self-motivation. Also maybe it will encourage me to take more vids.
Last week was my last class of this trapeze/lyra session. From now until classes start back up in Jan will also be my biggest break from it since I started. I have a lot of homework to keep me busy until then, though.
One of my biggest weaknesses that I found this session is my hamstrings and hips, discovered when we started conditioning with single leg hangs, which I cannot do AT ALL. Apparently even when I do a double leg hang, I end up relying on a lot of tension of pressing my legs together (feet, actually), and when that is taken away, I can't hold it. I guess running and biking don't really use hams as much as I need them to. So a variety of new things are now in prime spots in my workout rotation.
Possibly related: among the things I couldn't do last week was a move on trapeze where I split up in the ropes, then had to bend both knees around one rope, and hold on while I moved my hands. Nope! As soon as even the primary hand even loosened, it was just a slow descent down. Which I guess could look nice and cute but was not the move. I was wearing thicker leggings that night, and J blamed those, but I'm also thinking that my hang weakness also had something to do with it.
The other thing I super failed at was an ankle hang on trapeze. J was trying to have me do monkey/russian roll into ankle hang (specifically
this actually), and I vaguely recalled not having an ankle hang down yet so I tried that multiple times and every single time I'd try to get in position and slowly put more weight on my legs and every time I'd get the NOPE NOPE NOPE super awful pain which probably indicates I'm doing it wrong and had to bail. We walked through every single toe flex and angle and tension and it still didn't click and only gave me horrible foot abrasions. Phooey.
After that we switched to hoop and I did some kind of nifty series of moves that of course I can't remember. Then back to trap and I successfully did my first real complete forward roll with all parts correct. And I'm sorta close to getting meathooks. Kinda.
Definitely staying in level 3 next session. (So far I've had 1xL1, 2xL2, and this will be 3xL3. A trend!) Lots of things are decent and smoother but not easy yet. Meanwhile, working on hamstrings, general flexibility, and not forgetting everything I've learned so far.
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