Jan 05, 2015 17:04
What a difference a bit of time makes
The car is back, fixed and working. And I have slightly better ideas of what to look for / people I can ask for advice next time this happens.
I am healthy again. I'm extremely fortunate to have a generally healthy baseline, so even though the flu is really pretty awful, the worst of it only lasted for a day for me. I quarantined myself for the rest of the weekend, although by Sunday I was feeling healthy and energetic enough to move around a lot. I ended up doing some house cleaning, some baking, and reading with blankets and a cuddly cat. Today I judged myself sufficiently non-contagious (according to CDC recommendations) to resume life as normal and was even useful at work on the first day back.
After doing a lot of nothing for several days, I'm left with a lot of drive to resume regular active hobbies, get my house and my body back into order and shape, and spend time on various personal projects that have been rolling around in my head. I'm hoping to do something to start all of these things soon so that I have some momentum going before the initial motivation boost wears off.
I've also heard from several other friends who have had worse starts to the year than I have, and I realize how grateful I am to have life and health and awesome friends and general stability. I have more thoughts about where I want this year to go but will save further belly-button gazing for later. Also, sunrises are about to start getting earlier and every minute counts.