The beginning of summer marks so many events. The end of the school year and beginning of vacation. The end of spring blossoms and april showers and the beginning of hot weather and hurricane season. It's the season of growth after the planting.
Of course, not all these things have a strictly defined transition, or a static date, or an obvious boundary and state flip. The seasons change little by little, with much of the transition happening subtly or below ground until one day it's undeniable.
I've spent a lot of energy this spring on my house, and making it into my home, in a variety of ways. I've kept a garden for the first time, partially through trial and error. Some of my seeds were started too late, or planted too early, or didn't make it through the initial rooting. My garden was overgrown by weeds one week, and rabbits nibbled many of my buds all the way to the ground. Thankfully, those are errors that be recovered from, as I brought some plants that I wanted and re-planted others ones that didn't make it. Now it just needs to grow, and to be maintained.
With the changing of the seasons of the earth comes my own changing, and in my thirties, I feel like I'm moving into the summer of my life. I can't pretend to be anything but an independant grown up in my real life anymore, even if I still revisit my youth plenty often, and even if sometimes being an adult isn't very fun.
The transition has been happening slowly over time, and will continue to for a long time, but I feel more summery than I have in a long while. I was thinking this morning that I felt like an early bloomer in some ways, with big bright flowers but weak roots and no fences, and when the rabbits came and nibbled me down to the ground, it took a lot of work, care and some re-planting to get the growth to come back.
And now, finally, I feel I am at a reasonably stable place where I have a lot of things in me finally re-planted and secure and sprouted, and just need to make sure they get sun and water to grow continue to deep and strong. And I need to keep working to make sure the weaselsrabbits don't destroy the green stuff.