Jan 20, 2006 15:27
Hey there. another day another dollar. they keep depressing us with news of not having a four day weekend as soon as we get back like we're supposed to. i guess it doesn't matter that we've been working our butts off for the last seven months. at least i can still go home.
for clarrification. as it looks i will be coming home from 10 february (late) till the 12 of february. during that time i want to see as many of you as possible. some people are already making plans.
do you know how good that feels? i've spent the last few weeks afraid that the people i love most will be afraid to see me or talk to me. now people express a desire.
how is everyone doing. please let me know. i only get a little bit of time on the computer, but i love to hear about you all.
like ashlee being a bank teller. get the fizzuck out of here! i remember when she had to take off of work at pick your slave to see me which the airlines screwed up. i have combat stress this time so if they try that crap again i will happily explode in a fit of temporary insanity. we can use out war status to get what we want.
rebecca. jeez. i hope i get to see you. i spent a lot of nights trying to picture the diner you talked about where the guy drew you. it seems like a great place. there are no sanctuaries here. only 1100 nasty smelly egomaniacle marines.
by the way, if when you see me, i'm not acting appropriate, please let me know. a lot of people come home and have to be reminded that everyone can understand what you say, so it's bad to call them mean names. that and you can't arrest anyone for interfering with you.
oh well, i'm a dork. i'll get to check this later/tomorrow. please comment back. i can't wait! i love and miss you all.
forever yours,
i'm gonna tear your ass up like we just