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* I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
* You update your journal with the answers to your questions.
* Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
Questions from
1. What Star Wars character do you most identify with and why?Corran Horn
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Posting them here for the heck of it.
1. Are you now, or have you ever been married? If you had a choice, would you want to be married, or be single?
Never married. I was asked many times and always said no. I am so thankful I did, it was easy to finally walk away from bad relationships. I never want to get married.
2. How did you settle on your username?
Age 12 to 21 I wanted to be a writer, my pen name was Jennifer Skies. On 6-1-99 I needed a name to join a Star Wars forum so I used the name of the white tiger beanie baby on my desk, Blizzard. I was instantly popular online with this name and soon after it went so perfectly with Skies. 11 years later and I still have quite a few of the same friends I had when the name Blizzard Skies was born. I see a couple of them in FL in August. :D
3. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be and why?
I would have had more kids. I wanted five. I just couldn't find a decent father for them, I would have looked harder. It would have saved my son from a life without insurance and maybe he wouldn't be as physically messed up as he is right now.
4. Are you happy?
Yes. But stressed constantly over my sick child. But still happy.
5. What is something, that not many people know about you?
That was an abused (not sexual) and neglected child. Not even my extended family knows this. I turned out too normal for there to be any outward signs of it.
BTW, I had a stalker when I was 22. I never even saw him and for a while I thought I was just being paranoid that the same car was always following me for months and that someone was always walking around outside my windows. But one night he pounding on my door at 1am trying to get me to open it. Cops had to watch me walk to work for a week after that and I never saw the car again.
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