(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 17:29

Well, howdy.
I think I'm going to start posting here more seeing as I've posted absolutely nothing yet. |D (not that anything I post is ever going to be interesting orz; )
So to start it all off, let's talk about today! 8D
...Nothing very interesting happened today. We got our yearbooks today though, so that was exciting. And only one more day of classes left! And then finals, and then summer! |D Speaking of finals, I have not prepared for them at all and instead spent my weekend playing the Altador Cup at Neopets until my wrist hurt. I can't help it, it's too addicting. ;A;

Ummmm, I'm going to see Super 8 on either Friday or Saturday. I'm super excited for that because JJ. Abrams and Steven Spielburg = AWESOME. 8D I hope JJ sneaks in a LOST reference like he did with Cloverfield. XD;

That's pretty much it for today, I guess. o3o
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