Finally, something not Zelda related *le gasp*.
Chose an X-Men: The Last Stand pic, and liked the effects. Hopefully will be used for an upcoming icon post.
Note: For beginners and up.
[1] Charles Xavier Tutorial
1. Crop your image. I like images with alot of negative space, so I crop to the corner or side alot.
2. Duplicate your image and drag to the top of the Layers Pallet. Set the Blend Mode to Screen, 100%.
3. Go to Layer+New Adjustment Layer+Hue/Saturation. Adjust the Saturation to your liking. Mine was anywhere between 30 and 45 points.
4. Go to Layer+New Adjustment Layer+Brightness/Contrast. Adjust the Brightness and Contrast to your liking. My settings were as follows:
Brightness: -15
Contrast: +15
And your finished. From here, you can leave as is, or add your own flair.
Comments, as well as words of advice, are accepted. I like to see results, too.