Where Have I Been?

Jul 27, 2006 13:34

I know, I haven't been around as often as I should have. I've been in a rut of bad-icon making for the past week or so; most every attempt was really, really bad. Take my word for it. 
I almost made a Pirates of the Caribbean set, but decides to save the screencaps I collected for another entry.
In the meantime, here's the V for Vendetta post I told you about, using some really cool tutorials. I just became inspired. ^^
Rules are in the userinfo; take care to follow them. :)



[9] V for Vendetta Icons





fa_hab_u_lous; tutorial

tellemonstar; tutorial

pippins_mcgee13; tutorial

pippins_mcgee13; tutorial

pippins_mcgee13; tutorial

deolith; tutorial

xcountryxgirl7x; tutorial

Yeah...slightly tutorial crazy. XD
Hope you like them, and remember: comments are <3ed.
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