Interview by Sara

Jan 27, 2004 19:35

1. How do you define yourself as a person?
  • Sensitive, caring, and passionate, but lazy.
2. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to and why? Do you believe that names create a label in themselves?
  • I like my name, but if I were to change it, I would probably change it to my middle name, William, because I like that name too. I don't think that names themselves create labels, I think that people create labels with names that they have encountered.
3. Your brother marries a woman who is intensely homophobic and makes sure you know it. Your brother asks you never to bring the subject up while she's around. What do you do?
  • I am not someone to be feared, and I will not be ignored by my only brother. She will know, but whether or not she chooses to understand is her business.
4. You go out in the backyard to find Foxy has run away. When you're out looking for him, you find him near a child too young to talk, who looks like she's been bitten severely by a dog. Do you quickly take Foxy home, not sure whether it was him who hurt the child and hope that it wasn't him or do you turn Foxy in, knowing he will be put to sleep?
  • First I call for help while restraining Foxy. I make sure the small child gets medical attention, while keeping my own dog away. Then, since the child is too young to talk, I would try to find out if it was Foxy who bit the child. If it was, I would have to turn him in. (Although, technically, if it was a first offense, he wouldn't necessarily be put to sleep.)
5. If you could only listen to one kind of music for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • A cappella, too easy. It's all that I listen to anyway.
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