When Sara and I roomed together, we used to get into "fights" about who would have to be The Decider. Since we're both mostly incapable of making decisions, if you were made The Decider, you had lost. Usually applied to who was going to call for Chinese or get up to retrieve the remote from across the room
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Comments 6
As for the ceremony, they have:
"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"
Maybe "who presents this woman" would be better?
The pastor only has one reading listed, so I don't know if I want there to be a New Testament reading and a gospel also, or keep it as is so it will be shorter. It's not like I have any other reading in mind. He has the Corinthians reading as the default. I don't hate it, but it has gotten really cliche.
I hate the Declaration of Intent. Well, not so itself, but the response.
Pastor: (Groom), will you have (bride) to be your wife and love her faithfully as long as you both shall live?
Groom: I will, with the help of God.Blech ( ... )
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