(no subject)

May 18, 2007 10:21

Well, I haven't been here in a while, mostly attributed to me being lazy and partly for LiveJournal's ability to find new and more annoying ways to place advertisements.

The last few weeks I've been looking forward to being home.  Not because I particularly had anything to look forward to when I got here, it was just time for the semester to be over.

I managed a 3.4 for the semester and 3.2 overall GPA, which is pretty good.  It keeps me in the running for the Harrisburg internship next fall.  Unfortunately, it's ultimately up to KU to decide who gets to go since they only allow one students from each of the state system colleges/universities.  My advisor really likes me for it, and I'm not really sure why.  I don't generally see him more than once a semester to make sure I'm taking courses I need to graduate in a somewhat timely manner.  However, it always makes his day when I do come in for scheduling with all of my past, present and hopeful courses listed in an Excel spreadsheet.  Anyway, the bonus with the Harrisburg internship is that I would recieve a stipend for the duration and a guaranteed job at the end i the department of my choosing.  The only downside is it is offered in the fall and spring, but not in the summer.  So I would have to work at the Manor again all next summer.  If I don't get the Harrisburg internship, they can place me somewhere else during the summer so I can get it over with.

The Manor, by the way, is pissing me off a bit.  I get paid almost 75 cents less on casual status for the school year than I do when I work during the summer.  Last summer, it took them 3 weeks to change my status for which they refused to pay me retroactively to make up the difference.  I got reprimanded for telling off the antichrist who works in payroll for then telling me that the administrator who has to authorize the change was on vacation, and it would be another pay week before it could be authorized.  So I only got retroactive pay for the two weeks the administrator was on vacation instead of all 5 weeks.  Gay.

I told my boss earlier this week that I would like my status changed for when I return after surgery.  She told me that I have to keep my hours up once the change is made, so we couldn't do it until after I come back from surgery.  I held my tongue instead of saying, "Hey, that sounds exactly like what I just fucking said to you!"  Instead, I said I wasn't worried about this week as long as it begins when I get back.  Actually, thinking back on it, I'm not sure if she meant it would be in my first pay check back or if I had to work an entire pay period at regular hours before they would raise it back up.  I mean, I still make $7.50 on casual status, but I started at $8.10.  Casual status pay also doesn't account for raises given with a good evaluation.  I was even screwed on the evaluation itself because my boss waited until about the last pay period before I went back to school to give me my evaluation instead of doing it in June, which would have been a year later.  I got a nearly perfect evaluation, meriting a 5% raise, but my boss wouldn't give me the full 5% because I didn't work full time all year.  So I got a 3% raise for about 2 checks before they dropped me back down to $7.50, not even $7.50 plus 3%.  Super gay.

I'd tell them to eat it and get another job, but I don't know of many places that are A) hiring, B) paying wages equal to or greater than what I make even on casual status, C) likely to let me work weekends and holidays when I come in from school, and D) essentially any less gay.  I thought about getting a second job, but I just don't have the energy for it.  I get enough stress from one job, and I think that's enough.

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