Hey, guys. Here's my goodbye post. It's been a ton of fun, and hopefully I'll be able to see you guys again before August... At the very least, I can probably get to the RP comm (and by extension, this journal), so if there's any messages you want to leave, try leaving them here. I might be able to get to the Gaia thread, too. But Pchat... not sure. I'll see, but I'm not feeling too optimistic about it... Well, I might make another entry from camp in the next few days once I figure out what my schedule is.
As a parting gift,
I leave you some fics to read. (OLLO, so typical of me to chuck my work around XD)
...I had more to say, but I think the fondue absorbed it. IT WAS EPIC FONDUE AND WORTH IT THOUGH SO HA
Bye, everyone! I'll miss you lovable loons...