
Mar 21, 2014 17:29

Scored 20lbs of raw food, two cases of canned dog food (puppy) and three bags of kibble. Also scored a programmable self-feeder which I am setting up in an area for Dennis when I am at work. I am adding canned food to all of his kibble meals. He is being dewormed *again* and I am monitoring all calories for this scrawny dog. He dropped 3lbs somehow in a month. He's eating the same, exercising the same..Goddamn sighthound metabolism.

Speaking of - I am cutting a lot of processed sugars and coffee out of my diet again. I have been eating mostly gluten free without really trying but my caffeine and sugar intake has sky rocketed. I notice a definite (bad) change in my skin and the bags under my eyes. I have been sleeping pretty poorly and I feel like it is all connected.

Been doing some nice dog walks with my two in the evenings. We seem to have a nice brisk 60min loop in place. I powerwalk so our 60min loop is probably the equivalent to a 75 min walk for an average paced walker. I've also been jogging a bit with Dennis and starting to stretch for 10-15 min a night. I really need to up my water intake though - I have a giant water bottle at work but I always forget about it. I need to start drinking more water more often.

In other news, I finally booked off my vacation time(May 16-21st) and I am getting more excited for Live at Squamish in August. (August 7-10th) I have April 4th and May 7th off as well to speckle my next few months with some down time. I am ready for warmer weather.

I need to go clothes shopping for some spring/summer work tops (t-shirts and light/fun colored cardigans and short sleeved dress shirts and blouses. I have been pretty good with my money lately so I may splurge and give myself $150 to play with. I'm a huge bargain hunter for clothes so that would get me at least 6 shirts!

My evenings lately have consisted of cleaning, dog walks and watching Happy Endings on Netflix. Alex and I are not speaking and I am enjoying the silence. I am so emotionally checked out this month - even at work my girls have noticed I'm off my game. The new girl J has been super sweet - dropping coffee at my desk and bringing me cadbury dark chocolate in on a particularly bad day. T, E and K have all been working really hard to pull some of my stress off my shoulders and lending a hand when I need it. I really really am so lucky and thankful to work with such amazing women. We are a really good group who gets along *really* well. R still throws a wrench in every once in awhile and BT (Boss T) does too but overall the office is running so smoothly. We are slowly getting back into busy season [Feb-March is slow] but come May-August when we are prepping for the Tradeshow we will be SO busy. I am away the weekend before Show and I'm a teensy bit anxious about it. I am a workaholic a wee bit. :)

So happy that its finally officially spring!

Eta: Two long walks today equal one sleepy Monster

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