2009 in review:

Dec 19, 2009 12:55

Jan- Aesthetics Class = Fun, Workin' at Victoria Gastro Pub
Feb- Meeting & hanging out with Julie! MSL stuff at school.
Mar- Somewhere in here official relationship status change on facebook! (it's not official until you set your facebook status, so other people can know how codependent you are!)
April- Workin' on a pretty decent spring semester, applying for internship in Ireland.
May- Still waitin' on internship specifics - but it is secured., spending weekends w/ Julie in DC. towards the end of the month I quit Victoria to focus on Ireland preparations. Finish the semester, pretty decent grades.
June- This space intentionally left blank. (Leave for Ireland at the end of the month
July- Internship at RTE, Livin' in Dublin. :), missing Julie :( Getting drunk, making an ass out of myself.
August- See "July" until Julie flies over followed by subsequent whirlwind tour of Europe that I will never ever do again.
             Ein kurze reise nach Bremen, und kurzerer nach Oldenburg.
             Edinburgh. OMG Edinburgh.
             Girona- Warm outside, after seeing my breath in Dublin in July, 30+ degree weather was OUTSTANDING. I swam in the pool.
             Barcelona. Barcelona is pretty, next time, wear sunscreen. topless beaches, not that exciting.
September- Back home, Julie moves to NYC, I visit. is fun. being work on Film II, lots of fun.
October- more Film II preperation stuff, visits to NYC, other classes are fun.
November- Film II shoot. week of hell. no sleep. get it back, 90% looks awesome, a few issues. begin editing. make thanksgiving dinner, awesome as usual.
December- Rough cut of film is awesome...ly bad. final cut is decent, but sound issues when printing to film. Presentation cut is awesomely outstanding. Semester grades A, A-, A-, B.... and I don't know yet. now: baking cookies for christmas, going over to Julie's parents with her.
2009 was a downright decent year for me.
Oh, An I lost 30 pounds since September! 
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