Don't ignore this because it's "too long" get your effen facts! And I refuse to use a cut!
Health care doesn't affect you? The hell it doesn't! And if you don't see now, I promise you will later.
If you have any health conditions and aren't covered by your parents insurance and even if you are, you won't be forever. If you have to pay for your health insurance you might be as pissed about this as I am. The health care industry, doctors, hospitals and drug companies pay our politicians to keep our health care too expensive for us to get the quality care we need. Do you care? If you don't get over yourself and take a stance, because this is a very serious issue that if it doesn't affect you right now, I promise you one day it will, with either you directly or someone very close to you. Do your research, I know you have Internet access, BECAUSE YOU'RE READING THIS! Don't be lazy! It's lazy people who remain ignorant that let this continue.
47 million Americans - including nearly 9 million children - lack health insurance
Health insurance premiums have risen 4 times faster than wages over the past 6 years.
Here are a couple of links. What would you do if you had to go to the hospital in an emergency? Probably exactly what I did when I had a kidney stone and was doubled over puking, someone would call 911 and have an ambulance come pick you up. After you're feeling better and you think your insurance is going to pick it up, guess what? An ER visit will average any hospital $10,000 for services by private doctors practicing in the hospital, 4 hours of sitting in an ER bed, an IV with a shot of morphine and expensive diagnostic test to find out what's wrong with you. That doesn't include the completely separate an unrelated ambulance bill.
Where does all this money go? You have to be shittin me right? Wrong!
Let's do a little math and play with some numbers.
How much does a doctor get paid an hour? We'll say we pay him $200 an hour, will just over shoot this a little, for 4 hours, that's $800 for a private doctor. A shot of morphine with an IV bag, um maybe $100. A clinical Nurse gets paid maybe $30 an hour for 4 hours that's $120. Technician staff gets paid pretty damn good too, we'll say $50 an hour for 4 hours, $200. That's way over shooting right there too and that only totals $1,220, so should we factor in accounting staff, receptionists, electricity, kitchen staff and food, maintenance on machines, janitors and supplies? Oh, don't forget those luxurious beds you stay in. Well, I think that 8,800 should cover all that right?
Now, how many people do you think go into the ER on any given day of the week? Well, a census report for the LA area documented around 350 ER patients a day for the lowest number for one hospital on the report and around 700 ER patients a day for the highest number on the report. So lets low ball this one and we'll say 350 patients average in a 24 hour period visit the ER. 350 times $10,000 equals $350,000.00 a day just from ER visitors. Wow! That is not very much money to run a hospital, I'm surprised that they don't charge us more. Remember, this only for ER visits, I don't even want to know what they're charging for surgeries, overnight, weekends, a week, two weeks, three weeks and more stays cost. It's no wonder that hospitals are understaffed, they're not making enough money tor run the place.
"I have good health insurance though." Yeah, so do I, but your "good health insurance" is still not going to cover it all and you're stuck with a $1,109 bill that your wonderful "good health insurance" will not cover even after a $75 co-pay. The truth is that the health insurance industry is not interested in keeping us healthy, they're interested in taking our money and while the rich get richer the poor get poorer and the sick get sicker and even die. The truth is they'll deny you coverage if you have a chronic condition and they'll cancel your coverage if you develop one. The truth is millions of people in the USA are afraid that their health insurance company is looking for a way to cancel their insurance and are afraid to get treatment for serious conditions that can kill them if they don't take care of it. I talk to them everyday. I talk to people everyday that don't take their medications that will save their life, because they don't have the money to pay for it.
I am 27 years old and like most people in the USA, I pay a good chunk of my income just to pay for my PPO health care premiums for me and my wife, but that doesn't include our daily prescriptions, as needed prescriptions and prescriptions for when we get sick or the $15 dollar co-pay each time either of us go to see one of our multiple doctors and especially not the $1,100 that wasn't picked up from the insurance out of the ridiculous $10,000 four hour ER hospital visit I had last month from a kidney stone. I often hear "that's a good deal", but that's a load of crap! The entire health care industry is getting over on every single one of us and I know it's true if you think my health care is a "good deal". I'm sick of people telling me to go with an HMO to reduce my cost. Why? To reduce my quality of care too? I have a hard enough time getting my private doctors to find and treat my problems effectively, since when would an HMO ever be a solution? My brother is 32 and on his way to being one of the millions of people in the wonderful US of A to go into debt and maybe lose his house, because of health care costs. Greedy politicians are taking our money and they don't care, they let the private companies force us into debt and why? Because they get a piece of the pie. This has to stop! You don't have to be a prominent figure to make a difference in the world, it's starts with the truth and the truth is America is ignorant. This would not be going on if more people knew how our system works. Wouldn't we be a more productive nation, with a better economy if we were healthy? Our country makes me sick! The media isn't helping us as much as they should either, why is it so hard to get the cold hard facts without a slanted agenda? Go ask FOX News. Go ask any news station why everything is blown out of proportion. Money right? The luxury of a capitalist nation where costs are negotiated to lowest bidder? Or to the highest bidder to the right people? Everybody is greedy, News reports crap that people will watch and if it negatively impacts an investor you can forget about it