NEW AVATAR WANT. We've been screwed by the network for so long I figured I might as well give up on the show, but the trailer and the clip just rekindled my squee. And don't you love them for playing with fanfic writers as well as the shippers now? They're awesomer than Cardiff, oh yeah. ♥~
Speaking of Cardiff,
looking at the recent bits of S2 trivia that showed up in the Torchwood magazine recently... On one hand, I'm shallow and wish that Ianto had gotten the death arc as one of the earlier plans was, because 2x13 *wibble*. But y'know, 1) Owen only got interesting/sympathetic after his death arc anyway and 2) yeah, GDL probably wouldn't have pulled it off as well. As cute as his comedy faces are. And if they'd killed off both, then Torchwood Three by the end of series 2 would have comprised a grand total of two members, which would've been even more unimpressive than they are normally.
...Bleh. :|