Jun 27, 2011 11:52
...is what I would say, except I've been guilt-tripped into resitting the piano diploma I already failed twice, purely because the mother is bitter about never getting music lessons as a kid and doesn't approve of me going off to do Maths and Physics instead. (She admitted that much. I've run out of the energy I need to keep picking on her. Well, at first she talked about how useful it could be in the future, if I'm ever in such a bad situation that I can't hold down a single remotely maths/physics-y job but somehow have the ~£300 plus lesson money required to get a qualification actually worth something. AFAIK, the only thing a DipABRSM qualifies you for that Grade 8 doesn't is being able to take the second level of diploma... But I digress.) It bothers me somewhat because the exam is just a couple of days after I'm going down to London to see TMBG again, and also it'll cut into the time I was setting aside for driving lessons, but meh.
Recap of exams that actually matter: Maths seemed pretty okay (I'm sort of counting on an A* there), English Language was a gift of a paper (I don't need to revise to write feminist rants! I'd happily do that in my spare time!), Further Maths went half-great and half-catastrophic, Physics I don't even care because exams are over. \o/ Though I do wonder why the Physics exam was so late - no idea whether it was just this year or every year, but we couldn't even do the exam in the hall because Year 11's end-of-term assembly was going on in there.
Anyway, the summer is a time to do all the geeky stuff I've neglected lately! First item on the agenda: watch a new anime, because I haven't got into a new series for a little while. I picked Puella Magi Madoka Magica for no reason other than I ran into the name one too many times around the Internet. I found episodes 1 and 2 streaming somewhere a while ago, and they seemed cool! Kagami Hiiragi is a smiling bunny thing! I mean, I've been spoiled to hell and back so I know those episodes aren't indicative, but hell, it's the summer. I don't need sleep any more.
Oh, and the second item will be fanfic, with any luck. Inconveniently-timed plot bunnies, I can finally put you to rest.