(no subject)

May 07, 2011 22:05

Three more weeks until the permanent end of school. (Not in the American sense, hopefully.) It's been mandated from on high that we have to be in fancy dress, and the theme is "superheroes", so I'm going as Eleven. He's an alien and he saves people, didn't that work for Superman?

Stuff I have:
  • dark hair - I guess I can wear a ponytail and flip it over the front of my face if anyone questions it
  • red clip-on bow tie
  • fez
  • a jacket with elbow pads that fits me! It's slightly too light a brown, but that's minor considering I found something affordable that fit me!
  • Eleven's screwdriver - I already had one, but it was Nine/Ten's. This one is an early birthday present - which means I'm not getting a 3DS for the time being, but what the hell, all I'd do with it right now is ruin my A-levels.
  • a TARDIS - it lights up and goes vworp when you wave it around. Also the Nine/Ten model. I'll probably cut a little badge out of paper and blu-tack it on. Not bothered about dressing up the interior because the door is so small and tends to get stuck anyway.
  • a Team TARDIS! Amy will be played by Claus the Dalek, who is a redhead in a skirt. Not sure about the casting of Rory, although I'd like an excuse to bring in T-Rex (they have being adorable in common!). No River planned, unless I get a volunteer to put on a curly wig and snog me.
  • iPod speakers in order to play music at appropriately dramatic moments
  • genuinely being from the Midlands, albeit a totally different bit
Stuff I still need:
  • an extra foot of height (not quite, but closer than I want to admit)
  • a species change (marginally more likely than the first item)
  • braces - not wanting to go out and buy these if I'm never wearing them again, but I had the idea of cutting out two long strips of red wrapping paper and taping them to the shirt...
  • the shirt. Irritatingly, in the same shop I found the jacket, I also found a shirt that would've been perfect, only it was the last one and a few sizes too small. Doesn't that always happen?
I've never cosplayed before. I'm not sure I would again. It seems like a lot of effort - definitely more than I put into my prom outfit a couple of years back, or will for the upcoming one.

There was an actual episode today, too! It was all right, it's just that anything coming after the last two-parter had a lot of work to do. I don't have much to say about it - the plot was well paced and the nods to the current arc were cutely done, but I'm not especially into pirates and can only care so much about characters we hardly get to know. On the flip side, I still want a Rory (check out his little embarrassed wave in the awkward silence before the titles! And his drunken hypnotised antics!), but it's really hard to believe in his irreversible mortality at this point. On the other flip side, I would've thought similarly about Eleven... well, I'm still stoked for the rest of the arc, that's for sure.

On the unconnected side, that crown looked as fake as the CPR, so of course someone is going to come along and tell me it was real. And, Amy as a Big Damn Hero? More of this, please. I thought most of the characters were remarkably blasé about her sentencing at least one guy to apparent death, except it turned out she hadn't, so everything was shiny. I liked the story and got the feeling it would fall apart if I thought too hard about it, so I'll refrain.

Most of Confidential did have me cracking up, though. Karen Gillan and her sword. ♥ Also: "Rory might have been a goner! Again."

Next week? OMGOMGOMG.

so help me, rambling, \o/, fangirling, rl, doctor who

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