beejiness, bowen, antidepressants and Finding The Right Name

Jul 28, 2007 19:02

considering my friend from work loaned me HP:The Deathly Hallows, i really did not want to bother updating. thought i better before i forget stuff.


am seriously fucking broke too. ugh. bloody pony!

ordered his 'antidepressants'. some CLM Plus Tryptophane and some Magnesite (magnesium) and have scheduled for the Iridologist & nutritionist, Fiona Adams, to come out to assess beej's er... eyes and nutrition. apparently they can check for internal issues especially related to the LIVER by investigating the iris. plus she'll analyse his feed. just covering bases, you know.


been POURING with rain the entire week. Storm weather alert for friday evening. anyway, i got home from work and rather than racing to the horse, i cleaned my house a bit instead, then drove out.

just changed beejy's rugs and gave him dinner. no poo duty (ick 4 days of poo to pick up today! that's about 45minutes of work, you know) and a quick brush.


today - still shitty weather, but started to clear up. Laura (my bowen lady) rescheduled to 3pm instead, which is MUCH nicer than 5pm.

Laura does not think beej is magnesium deficient. apparently horses that are deficient in that are prone to tie up, cramps, twitching etc and are PHYSICALLY nervy horses. His emotions are the cause of his issues. However, magnesium won't do him any harm. i'm just a bit miffed i paid $35 for it when i can buy Dolomite for $4. o well.

She said there was a huge improvement in beej. he was actually a part of the therapy today, and involved in what she was doing, rather than being off in beejyLand. he felt A LOT softer, although he is still tense. his problem area is in his right hind and right lower back - he also twitched his leg when she touched a pressure point there.

as you know, beej is a VERY mouthy horse. he'll play incessantly with his rope/shit nearby. we discovered that rather than releasing tension thru Yawning, he'll hold it in and chew on something or brace against the railing (as if he were going to windsuck - very entertaining to watch him, he totally zones out) rather than yawning. she would put her finger on his top gums and rub, to encourage a yawn.

he was also very encouraging to her and wanting her to scratch him, which is good. he was not at all interested in her last time she was here.

i told Laura about getting the Animal Communicator around. She doesn't know her personally, but has heard some things and is interested to hear what i have to say too. Laura also does it, but doesn't advertise it or anything. she said that if it's advertised you get kooks calling up. i apologised as i didn't know that she did it as well and she said it was probably better to get someone else to do it, as she does his bowen stuff.

we talked about some questions that i would ask and she said that maybe i wouldn't get them answered the way i wanted, but that if it didn't work it wasn't to be worried about. we talked in depth about Re-Naming him, which i find REALLY interesting. BJ is his brand, which was lazy naming on the part of his old owners... His previous name was Winston and she said he DEFINITELY is not a Winston, which i knew already, haha.

she said that he seemed to like it when i called him "Tiger" as a pet name, but he probably has another name up his sleeve. She said it wouldn't be regal or powerful and would probably reflect his sense of humour (which he has a lot of)... she played around with the idea of "Benji" which i find EXTREMELY disturbing and SO will not be happy if that's the name that beej is thinking of... but if that's what he says, i'll have to deal with it.

we also talked a bit about Blitzen and she advised against paddocking beej with blitz, as he is very co-dependent and would get irrationally attached (remember guinness?) and we want him to learn to be independent, so paddocking with another horse is something to do in the future when he's learnt to be around himself better.

she also said that animals come into our lives for reasons and that it's really interesting that I'm a teacher and i've come across this horse that is very much like a young child that's had a traumatic past. he's happy to socialise and talk and play a lot, but when challenged or asked difficult questions, he becomes totally withdrawn and anti-social. She thinks Beej is here to teach me as well, which i TOTALLY agree with. if it weren't for him, i would not have been looking at Nat Horsemanship, NOR all this hippie bowen/animalcommunicator/herbalsupplements/iridology. hah.

Laura then did some more cranio-sacral therapy. she said that there wasn't the uneveness in the pulse this time, which is great. even tho he was distracted by lots of things going on (people, other horses, riding etc) he was very good and willing to cooperate, unlike last time.

uhm... there's more... bit distracted by jed's "Guitar Hero" game in the background, haha. it's bad, trust me.

she mixed up a flower essences blend for me. i can't remember everything in it precisely...
*Rescue Remedy
*Emergency Remedy
*brown boronia
*hops bush
*dia... something, she used this last time, as well as the Water essence.
*Umina...something, i cannot remember at all.

i'm to shake it up & energise it. put 7 drops in his water if i want, or some in his feed. put some on my hands, warm up & rub over him, or on my brushes. to help him calm, connect brain to body and a variety of other things i can't remember either.

i thanked her heaps at the end and had a bit of a cry. she gave me a hug and was teary eyed as well. man, she is the bestest therapist evar! she's good for me too!

anyway, Laura's rescheduled for a month's time.

beejay, pony stuff, blitzy

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