
Jul 19, 2007 11:42

after all THAT stuff came bubbling up, i had to race down south.

stopped en route to see blitzen. he was lying down in his paddock when i saw him, way over in the corner. i just lay down on the grass. he took his sweet time getting up, and he hobbled (HOBBLED? O MY FUCK!) over to see me.

i cried MORE!

i just kind of lay on the ground and had this hideous crying fit! ugh.

my horse could hardly fucking walk???!!! 6 weeks ago i saw him and he was 'a bit' unsound at the TROT and now he can hardly WALK??? fuck.

i called the vet and they're coming out at 12pm tomorrow. leave dunsborough by 9am and i'll be there on time. either all over arthritis injection? or directly into his joints again? idk. SOMETHING to help him, it was fucking gut wrenching.

ugh, i feel gutted about it. i definitely am going to move him. kelli suggested Patrick's, which is just down the road from Paul's place. she said that he does retired horses... i'd like a new place to be just as good as sherree's (big paddock, feeding etc) but it has to be closer as well.

i also apologised to blitz for this stupid 'retirement' shit.

blitzy, retirement

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