(no subject)

Jul 16, 2007 10:49

beejay was way off yesterday. firstly, he was REALLY disturbed by the fact that karen was up the back with her little grey horse, Raj. so much so, that he totally would not focus on me and we had to have QUITE the discussion about WALKING thru the gate to the arena and not HOONINGOMGKICKKICKBOLT.

he wanted to RUN so we just did circling game - he was still zoned out and pulling TIGHT towards the direction that raj was in (keep in mind, raj was about 200m away at this point). eventually, he calmed down and was nice and quiet.

then spent at least 30mins on a fairly extensive massage, complete with effleurage, compression, palpation & jostling. haha, can you tell i've been reading up?
oh, and stretching.

then... a ride.

he was quite spooky and we did A LOT of small circles. every time he breathed funny - SMALL CIRCLE, FUCKER!

nice walk & trot, bit of a buckaroo when asked to canter, but settled quite quickly. then O*(#!@$)! a fucking crazy crabwalking moment, where i swore LOUDLY and PUSHED THE FUCKER until he was cantering NICELY and FORWARD and not so fucking worried about the shit going on in the air a million miles away.

then a cool down. quite good. he was sweaty at the end.

he was probably in a shit mood from the massage, letting all that tension go. hmm.

kelli & karen commented on my swearing. hahaha, but both said it was very reasonable and deserving.

riding, beejay, pony stuff

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