(no subject)

Jun 08, 2007 22:43

i posted this on a thread called: Why Your Horse Is Special To You?

"blitzen is special because of what he represents. besides the fact that he's my bubba and i've had him since i was 11 and we bred him and i broke him in and just adore him... but also because he represents my freedom. i've had a rocky relationship with my dad - years of therapy has helped it become a lot LESS insane than what it was. whilst at uni, my horse was kept on our farm and i was TIED to it because of him. my dad would always try to psyche me out by threatening to send him to the doggers or that i was such a loser i could never afford to keep a horse without his help (haha, i joke that he has a God complex, lyk FOR REALZ) and other mean yucky stuff.

as a kid, when i was breaking blitz in, my dad also wanted me to 'choke him down' to show him who was boss etc. this is very reminiscent of the kind of relationship we have - psychological stranglehold over me, physical over my horse. naturally he WASN'T choked down, but it definitely symbolises a lot that he even wanted me to do it.

well, after 5 yrs at uni (degree, dip ed, 1 yr off to get my head around s*it), i finally scored a job that could pay for not only a car, but a pony too! shipped blitz out to the desert for my first teacher posting and it's just been about me and him for a long time.
i've ALWAYS been a pony girl, and it's been so good to get back to it. my friends that i made since High School (including my partner of 8 yrs) had no idea i was a pony girl at heart... when i was first with my bf i was a real home body, very focused on him and clingy and demanding - needy.

since the pony came back into my life, i feel like i've been Free. free from my dad, free from social expectations (hey man, i've got a pony, i don't HAVE to go out!). Blitzen represents a lot to me, so he is definitely more than just a horse.

and beej? beej was bought as a 'do anything' horse, but has turned into a real challenge (my fault, i could have made his transition a lot easier, but i was very complacent - too used to an easy horse like blitz!). since having beej i've become HYPER aware of personality and instinct and the context behind why a horse is the way it is. he's been a big challenge, but one i am greatful for - without him i'd still be plodding along, without 'keeping the horse in mind'. i am greatful for the parelli & natural horsemanship stuff i've done to help our relationship. it's amazing what i can 'see' in my horse and the way he is, now that i'm being taught how to 'read' him. if beej WASN'T a challenge, i doubt i would be thinking like this... he's opened up a whole new world to me. i 'dabbled' in nat horsemanship with blitz, but was so complacent because there's nothing like the bond you get with a horse you've had forever.

anyway. that's a dribble."

beejay, blitzy

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