Funerals and other sad things

Apr 01, 2007 10:17

my dad and step mum, Dely, came up from Dunsborough on Tuesday, bringing with them... THE FARM!

well, they had a 1 week old lamb that had been abandoned and needed to be fed every couple of hours or so, plus 2 runty chihauhau puppies that dad wants to keep (which brings the chihauha popln at my dad's up to.. NINE. jesus, backyard breeder, anyone? thankfully he has an enormous farm that they run around on like a pack of dogs... but still... NINE CHIHAUHUAS???? i harp on to him about getting the boys or girls fixed, about making sure everyone gets homes etc. but he's so stubborn. what's going to happen to them all when he goes? jesus).

anywho. the puppies are still CUTE AS BUTTONS. i got photos, but obviously haven't uploaded (haven't done that in a while... lots of shit to put up).

jed LOVEd the lamb. i tell ya, animals are so good for grief.

we pottered about at home for a while, then got ready. i wore this really nice Broderie Anglaise dress (black) that i've had for months and haven't worn ever, plus my $12 pointy shoes from Target.

Dely and i went down to the shops and spent $35 on flowers. by the time we got back, Mal had arrived and it was time to go.

was so surprised by the number of people at Pinaroo for mum. it was amazing. was handling things okay, everyone kept coming up to me (as opposed to my dad or whoever), but then my old nanny, Lyn came up and we just cried.

lots of cards and things from people. i have to write out a bunch of Thank You cards when i've got some time.

the service was lovely, run by Father Nilo, a philippine priest that my mum knew from Sir Charles Gairdner.

my dad got up to do the eulogy and broke down. that was pretty sad, i've never seen him like that. he couldn't finish, so the priest just went on.

later, he told us that the funeral lady told him not to take too long! haha.

then we drove out through the park to the gravesite. passed a HUGE mob of kangaroos. such a beautiful spot, in the shade of this enormous tuart tree. so gorgeous.

jed & mal handed out carnations and roses to everyone. i had some liliums and dad had some orchids. as the priest was reading the final rite things, the wind picked up and tossed the huge mat of fake grass (covering the sand pile from the grave) up into the air. there was a collective *gasp* when that happened, and i swear some of the more traditional philipina's crossed themselves.
after the casket was lowered, we were asked to come up to put the flowers into her grave. then everyone else did.

stayed around talking for some time, then jed and i went with my Aunty Jean out to Rhiannon's house for the wake.

lots of good food and things, a bit quiet, obviously. i think my dad was a bit stunted by the exuberant youngsters around him.

christine came, i think she's a lot more affected by this than expected.

anyway. physically and emotionally exhausted afterwards. very draining day.

and people gave me money! i'm assuming this is a philippine thing. was a bit confused about it, but apparently it's to help in my grief.

so on wednesday i did some retail therapy and bought a winter coat and a nanna bag (big, with lots of compartments). my mum always was a fan of nice coats and bags, i'm sure she'd agree.


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