Horse Costs

Nov 11, 2006 08:19

Saw a comment by extendedtrot about the average cost of keeping an A Circuit show horse: $40,000 (on top of the original purchase price)

i feel like being a dork and working out average cost for keeping my horse.


Agistment: $2600/year

Hay: approx 1x$13 bale a week: $676

Feed: Chaff - 1 $19 bag/2 weeks (roughly)- $494
Senior - $26/2 months - $156
Kind n Kool - $10.80/month - $129.60
Lucerne- $17/2 weeks (roughly) - $442

Supplements: Rumevite Mineral Lick - $25 (maybe 5 a year) - $125
Biotin - $16.95/month (roughly) - $203.50
Garlic - $16.00 /month (roughly, again) - $192
Dolomite - $4 / 3 months or so - $12 (o wow, the cheapest thing!!!)
Linseed - $9.00 / 6 weeks ? (just started feeding this, so haven't worked out the rotation yet) - $78
Celery Seed - $7/month - $84

Cost so far? $5192.10. and that's just to keep him alive.

Care & Upkeep: Vet - $260/ twice a year for arthritis injections - $520
Farrier - $65 ($70 for new shoes, but he only needs them once or twice a year)/ 2 months - $390
Massage - $30/3-4 times a year - $90

Miscellaneous: Rugs, Jodhpurs, helmet, riding boots etc, Brushes, Bits, leather, halters, lead ropes, various bits of shit that i feel compelled to purchase thruout the year approx: $500/year, give or take the year.
This year i bought a new saddle and helmet and gaiters and other expensive things, but i don't do that every year. I am obsessed with buying rugs tho. This year, i must of spent about $450 just on rugs. but again, i don't do that every year.

Cost so far? $5192.10 + $1690 = $6882.10

Fuel: God, i have no idea how to work this out. with current cheapish fuel, it costs $1.15 a litre. i've got a 45L tank. I get about 440km out of a tank. so that's maybe 9.7km/L???
It's a 50km round trip to and from my house to my horse.

so i divided 50km by 9.7 = 5.92 x $1.15 = $6.80 every time i drive to my horse.

Have i done the maths right? i have NO idea. please help if you know what to do...

if so, i see my horse every day for 13 weeks of the year: 91 days @ 6.8 = $618.80
for the other 39 weeks, i see him 4 days a week: 156 days @ 6.8 = $1060.8

$1679.6 JUST ON FUEL. OMG.

Horse Transporter: Have gone down south a couple of years in a row... will probably do it again next year - $300 approx.

So. $1679.6 + $6882.10 + $300 = $8861.7

HOooooooooooooooooooooly crap. and that's just blitzen.

and now i have another horse. she costs less, but i'm going to move her to Paul's sometime soon.

BUT that will cut the cost of fuel to her place.

Kiwi's projected cost when she moves to Paul's and stops being a cheap project

take her $160 inclusive feed + agistment.
add $100 extra for agistment @ Pauls
$26 extra for hay
$65 shoeing (i'm guessing every 6 weeks, but i'll round it to a month for this exercise)
$30 Chaff
$10 Kind & Kool
$12 or so for Barley
$9 Linseed
$40 Vegie Oil

= $452 a month to keep kiwi when i move her~!!~!@~!@ OMFG that can't be right.

=$5424 a year + $8861.7 =

$14,285.70 to keep two horses. omg. Just as well my income goes up in increments. wow.


obviously i have never sat down and worked this out before. yikes!

I've talked to jed about half leasing out blitzen in the new year. like, for the cost of his agistment ($50 - running an ad in or The West and writing a contract and giving pretty much full use of him). jed's like... "oooh, but he's BLITZEN..."

but i've thought about it a lot. plus i want to share the love. also, kara lee seems to have lost interest, and he seriously needs to be ridden more than i can. 4 days a week just isn't good enough for his arthritis. or hasn't been.

i'm hoping his lameness issue will be sorted. Paula was supposed to see him last night, but got called out to an emergency Colic. She's coming on Tuesday instead. gonna take the day off of work.

i had him in the round yard. definite head bob and striding out really short. not 'lame' so much, just unsound. ugh.
then took him down the road... The neighbours had set up an obstacle course for their horses, and part of it blew into paul's fence. spent some time playing with a huge yellow Fit Ball. blitz was so boggle eyed. hahaha.


got a big horse day today.

horse costs

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