Showing With Tazzie!

Mar 06, 2011 20:04

been a busy two weeks with taz attending his first and second shows of the season.

First one was the Standardbred Pre-Champs last week and firstly, it was FUCKING HOT. like, 39degC. 102degF.

and HUMID. it hit like 45% or something for a while there. actually, until this weekend, the weather has been pretty consuming & disgusting & all anybody is talking about. there's big write ups & editorials in the local paper due to bureaucratic bungling not allowing new aircon to be installed in renovated or new school buildings. and i tell ya, trying to teach (and expecting kids to learn) in classrooms where the INSIDE temp edges around teh 36-40dC mark is OUTRAGEOUS.

and it's every year. we do live in perth, regularly the hottest city in australia during summer. should be used to it by now. but i'm not, and i don't like it!


so the stb show last week was an early start (8am) and it was all over red-rover by 12pm, so we missed the hottest part of the day.

and the pony was WONDERFUL. had an hour's drive to the venue and he was just delightful to prep. so well behaved and wonderful. in in-hand we only did best presented (unplaced) and his gelding class (3rd out of 3). there were pretty small numbers, unfortunately, but it was a great show for Emily who rode after the in-hand stuff.

she did quite well, ESPECIALLY considering the hacking was walk, trot & canter! hahaha. have some hilarious videos, but theyre on FB and i don't know how to link outside of fb.

eh, i'll get straight onto the pics - our internet connection has made me her bitch.

she rode jacketless, everyone did. it was unbelieveably hot.

love my little boy.

curly hair! and you can see his brand here too.

standing him up in his gelding class. the horse who won later went on to win Supreme of Supremes. and the gelding who came 2nd went on to win Champion hack and reserve champion standardbred. so yeah.

uh oh, tongue came out! judge putting it back in.

the horse on the left got champion hack & also reserve champ standardbred.
he's very impressive. he never raced.

and the horse on the right is Adina Park Phedora. she is my inspiration for Standardbred showing. she is absolute CLASS. i stewarded at a breed show last year with about 100 entrants, all different breeds (arabs, tb, warmblood, highlands etc to name just a few) and she won Supreme of Supreme. regular occurrance too - a true lady of the breed show ring. PLUS her rider, kristie, is a wonderful, gorgeous rider & very little separates this horse from official hacks in the presentation, walk and trot. her canter will always give her away as a stb tho. she does have a true 3 beat canter (as far as i can tell), but she will never be competitive in the show horse ring against non-stbs. which is unfortunate because she is breath taking... but in the breed ring where you're just looking at conformation & type & walk/trot, she's unbeatable.


i'm so impressed & proud of how far emily has come with this horse. she's been getting regular lessons with carly & in just a few short months he has learnt about bend & flexion, moving off the inside leg into outside rein. he's really learning his laterals as well. AND he is now being ridden regularly in a cavesson noseband! yay. we took him out of the mullen mouth & put him into a tongue depressor bit & he's a different horse. now that he's learning how to relax & soften at the poll, he's not so anxious & trying to get his tongue over the bit. it's wonderful.

Today was a huge beginner's show at Wanneroo. about a billion entrants. on the plus side, the weather was GORGEOUS for showing! yay. 29degC or something. just delightful.
i took taz yesterday to adult riders as mouse had some bark off & a swollen leg. he was a porkchop! he calmed by the end, but i was very surprised because he is rarely norty for me!
outcomes from the lesson - inside leg! basically. he was falling out a lot thru his outside shoulder so jenny had me ride circles almost on shoulder-in and that helped a lot!


today's show - just a few pics.

detail on his bling bling. i really need to get a new one. this one is gorgeous, but the purple-ness of it is a bit novelty for srs showing bizness. i would love a nice cream/gold/semi-bling one & i can then use it for both beej and taz as cream will suit them both.

taz making grumpy faces. he hates his life.

quarter marks. i really need to experiment with size, shape etc as well.

Final picture. yay.

he did super well today. i'm really stoked.
2nd in best presented. my aim is to WIN one of these fucking classes by the end of the year. as it was an encouragement show, it wasn't a 'true' show hack type best presented - the winner didn't even have joddy clips! and certainly no quarter marks, sharks teeth, raven's oil or white girth. MAN showing & presentation is hard fucking work & a lot of dollars!

Em got 2nd in her rider
1st in his hack class (yay!)
equal 1st in Handy pony
3rd in pleasure (he cantered)

and we got some great feedback from the judge in the Champion class. i was very impressed & went and thanked the judge afterwards. she picked on stuff that i noticed as well - more impulsion, basically! Emily thinks than when he has more impulsion he wants to pace, but that's a speed thing. hopefully carly can help sort that out.
the champion class had like 8 horses in it & the judge said that if he had had more impulsion she would have given him reserve champion! yeah. so that was NICE.

anyways, i'm super proud of the pair of them. and very lucky! now just to get my big horse sound & hopefully i'll be onto it again too.
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