Question time

Jan 28, 2011 11:46

♥ Leave a comment telling me your favourite type of ... Car
♥ I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
♥ You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
♥ You'll include this explanation.
♥ You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

from madeyemads.

1. When you went to your dad's did you visit Blitzen? How is he going?
I am a bad mother & haven't visited my old man in a very long time. i simply ran out of time going down/coming back, but hope to catch him in a couple of weeks. i'm very happy he lives with such a great family who take excellent care, otherwise leaving him would be a lot harder.

2. Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I used to babysit & give 'riding lessons' to little kids and LOVED it. i trained as a journalist & did a lot of writing but once i finished my undergrad, i knew i had to get real and do something more meaningful. teaching seemed like a logical, practical thing & i never really doubted wanting to do it once it came up.

3. Best/worst moments of your teaching career?

there's a LOT of best moments. i'm very blessed to work in a job i adore, with wonderful kids. i form very close bonds with my kids & i like that we usually become a little unit who can face many challenges together.
of course there are asshole kids around that can make that journey a bit more challenging, but still. it's fun. one of the best & worst moments is tied up around the same child, who was ultimately expelled from our school for a pattern of escalating violent behaviours. he had been placed in my class from the start (admin likes to give me that type of child for some reason, hah), and i pretty much could not teach for 6 weeks because of what a disruption he was. but i chipped and chipped away at him. one day he had a huge tantrum & told me to fuck off. next day he showed up with chocolates, a card & a deep apology. i still have a lot of issues involving that kid & i think the process was FUCKED UP and i was the only teacher on his side. that's where the 'worst' moment comes from.

another 'worst' moment was a horrific fight in my first year of teaching & this one big kid had another one on the ground & was kicking the SHIT out of him (broken jaw, teeth, ribs etc) and his friends were circling preventing anyone else from running in to stop the fight. i didn't see it directly but the effects were horrible & they had to send inthe emergency psychiatric team etc and so on.

another 'best', or favourite moment is hearing a conversation between two 14yo boys.
boy a - yeah, cats and rabbits mate in the wild
boy b - wtf? they do not.
boy a - yeah, that's how you get ginger rabbits.

cue me - :x

hahaha, i still get a tickle out of that.

4. What is your dream holiday? Where would you go and what would you do?
Road trip north america. YEAH BABY. soo would love it. would visit ALL my LJ & non- friends, that's for sure. do it for a year or whathave you. ride horses, visit redwoods, drink diet dr pepper. you name it.

5. What is your favourite horse breed? And what would your dream horse be?
my favourite breed is Anglo Arab. have always loved them. think they're wonderful, athletic, pliable. never met one who wasn't STUNNING.

dream horse? prob an anglo filly. any colour, but i could definitely work with a blingy chestnut or bay.
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