(no subject)

Jan 12, 2011 11:21

kelli was riding ben in the arena & rather than invite a confrontation (separation anxiety bullshit), i played with beej in the round yard instead.

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when he first came in. i'm going to harness this rolling business & maybe *try* to teach him to lie down. he's pretty good with learning 'tricks', so we'll see. he takes a while to 'tune in' hence the changes of direction all the time. i find this helps to get him on task cos his tendency is just to ruuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. (but he wants to roll first? i don't understand...)

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a little bit later. i really want to try and get him to yield his forequarters from a distance. we can do hind end no probs (when focusing!). really not sure how to ask for just forequarters. tried a couple of times & i was really eyeballing his shoulder & rather than just stepping shoulder away, he'd step his whole body. we'll see, it's something to play with anyway.

had a good chat with carly on FB too. i was talking about Evasion & she said, "But whyyyy?"

this is why she's an instructor & i'm just a passenger, lol. so back to basics with the key being relaxation. she's going to ride him in our lesson on thursday too.

went to see The King's Speech last night in Midland. ate wayyyyyyy too much junk food including biscuits & pate (green peppercorn, YUMMY!) for dinner! woot.

and that movie was SO good. reaffirms my Colin Firth crush. i hope he wins an oscar. he's brilliant. i cried!

on the way home we drove passed this black lump on the ground and i said to rhiannon, "is that a kitten?" we stopped & reversed back & sure enough, it was a little cat. it was sitting, stunned, on the road. she said, "youre the farm girl... can you..." so i jumped out and picked it up. it was alive, but clearly in shock. plus there was blood on the road and once we were in the car i could see that there was blood coming from it's nose & it's face was broken a bit.

so we drove out to Balcatta (24hr emergency vet). on the way there, i thought it had died cos it felt *different* but i suspect it was shock. it had become colder & stiff.
anyway, we got to the vet & they took it in but said it was not in a very good way. pupils were different sizes & it was unresponsive, indicating brain damage. we filled in a Lost Cat form & left.
very sad. poor kitty.

sadness, carly, youtube, beejay - sour, beejay, parelli, videos

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