(no subject)

Dec 30, 2010 08:32

Internetz dramaz, aus style

what a fucking shitstorm. that girl makes me want to stab out my eyes. then grope around blindly for hers.

lesson yesterday. horse was UP and WIRED, tho he worked nicely enough at walk warm up. haven't ridden him pretty much since last lesson either, so it serves me right... BUT REALLY, do you BLAME ME when it's fucking 40degC:??????????

anywho. flies were on him, which he gets very OCD about & a bit crazy. any opportunity to tune out and go to his happy place? beej will find it. so, we are working on getting him to realise that head down low = niceeeee & relaxing, and for him to try and seek that contact. he is getting sooo good with it, but keeping him there without jacking up? another story entirely.

so, we tried a few things to combat his jacking up bullshit (head comes up, gets like a coiled spring, jib jabby movement, SIGNIFICANTLY high chance of swifty lateral moves or jumping forward at warp speed), bring him back to walk. ask for & re-establish the flexion, get his head low, then trot on. times a billion. this was actually quite effective. prior to this i have tried: ignoring (he can zoom around for hours & although it wears him out & he will *eventually* come back to me, it does nothing to deal with the problem), small circles, SUPER increased flexion (and small circles), lots of lateral moves.

Carly thinks his jacking up at the start was probably pain related. although he IS working round & is building up AWESOME muscle, he can also be very tense & spooky, which is enough to cause anyone soreness. then i ride in a certain (horrible, cranked in, freaked out) way to deal with the jacking up & he jacks up even more and voila, vicious cycle. so hopefully this will help. it certainly seemed a lot more productive than me putting my inside leg on and dealing with it!

what else... canter. CANTER. he's got a VERY big, massive canter (LYK OMG THE BIGGEST IN AUSTRALIA NO ONE CAN RYD IT OMGZ WTFBBQ! I CANT GET LESSONZ COS NO ONE CAN RIDE IT) & he really turned it on yesterday - felt a lot like a show ride! hahaha. he's much more *there* going to the left, so have to put the pressure on a bit to remind him he's got a passenger when going to the right.

carly wanted to put on bandages. okies!

big canter. idk wtf my hands are doing under my chin. i presume it was a tight moment?

omfg more bad hands. wtf. LONG REINS are my downfall. doesn't his butt look AMAZING tho?

i srsly need some more riding shirts. i bought those joddies from the sales the other day (well, got them "free" with reward points [after dropping nearly $4k, not *my* money of course, at bates last week, so i should i reckon]). they are FANTASTIC. they're *light* so feel like leggings more than jodhpurs. yay! but i def need to wear smaller, fitted shirts cos that shirt just makes me look fat! which i am of course, but i CAN look more streamlined if i try.

oh, and FYI
these two pics are from my first ever real lesson with carly, 9th august 2008

sweet jeebus. behind the vertical much?

edit:: SAME FUCKING SHIRT! wtf! need to upgrade NOW.

- House is a mess cos we have had people over every day, either eating, drinking, playing games (Monopoly or kinect or iPad boggle! woot)
- summer is pretty good so far
- had a dream i got $30k back when i did my taxes! WOWEEE.
in reality i think i may get about $6k back because i've been paying HECS for 2 yrs longer than i should have. i really don't mind if it means i get some money back. it's like enforced savings!
- got work shit to get on with. will deal with that after NY, of course.

forecast temps for NY day have risen to 37C. that's still okay. i can deal.

today i've gotta condition my saddle. apparently you stick it in the sun to warm it up so it soaks up more conditioner? nifty.
then gym at some stage, and riding in the afternoon. i'm also reading "The Witching Hour" by anne rice. read it ages ago so i have pretty much forgotton the story. Just finished "Girl with the dragon tattoo" the other day and can't WAIT to read the second one. have to pick it up on payday next week. oh, i'll probably play a game or two of either Solitaire or Boggle on the iPad. Boggle is wicked fun EXCEPT that it's fucking foreign language boggle. i mean really, wtf does "ain" mean?

anyway, YAY for summer holidays. i love summer. i am going to enjoy this little lull in activity until about 7th of January, then got work stuff to do, and need to sort out all my papers here. kelli gave me an awesome filing cabinet, so i can go thru my papers & organise stuff. i have NO IDEA where my identification is, nor my tax stuff, which i really need to get onto if i want my $6k back.

pics, house, snark, carly, summerdayze, stockyards, beejay, riding

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